My calves are HUGE!!!



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    A common trait I find amongst people who are really overweight or obese or were overweight and obese is big calves. This probably happened because of the weight being carried around for a long period of time. Also calves are genetic. If your your mom or dad has them, chances are you will.
    It's almost impossible to not affect them unless you walk on your hands. I would say just make sure not to train them directly. If you're female, the ditch high heels since they force you up on your toes and that contracts the calf muscle. Other than that, you're stuck with them.
  • Scoobies87
    Scoobies87 Posts: 379
    A common trait I find amongst people who are really overweight or obese or were overweight and obese is big calves. This probably happened because of the weight being carried around for a long period of time. Also calves are genetic. If your your mom or dad has them, chances are you will.
    It's almost impossible to not affect them unless you walk on your hands. I would say just make sure not to train them directly. If you're female, the ditch high heels since they force you up on your toes and that contracts the calf muscle. Other than that, you're stuck with them.

    My mum has them too. We have hourglass figures so very curvy legs and calves. I would kill for slick pins like Cameron Diaz but there we go. I have never been overweight either, the most I have ever weighed is 9 1/2 stone so I think most of it is genetic:(
  • lissarv68
    Genetics, baby!

    I love my muscular calves and so does my husband. I have the inverted V and he drools. I think it's mostly because he can't get legs like mine, no matter how many marathons he runs.

    Again...genetics! (My youngest brother had rock hard calves at the age of 3)

    And most men LOVE a girl with sexy legs (and yes, that does include big muscular calves).
  • zacherybinx
    zacherybinx Posts: 215 Member
    Ladies, ladies ladies. Ask your man if they like your calves nice, firm and meaty. You will be pleasantly surprised. I love my wifes soccer/runner calves. Makes her gams extra sexy :)

    I agree completely with Gil and lissa's husband lol

    Btw Scoobies87 if you want Cameron Diaz legs just be a stick figure. I think her legs are way too skinny and not at all sexy.
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    Short of eating nothing and getting super skinny and unhealthy there is no way to overcome genetics like that.

    I have huge calves, 18 inches around, 26 at the thigh. Heck, my arms or only 16.5.

    I will always have big calves and I think both men and women find that attractive on the opposite sex, I know I do.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    Speaking for myself, and I would say, a good number of other guys, I MUCH prefer firm and muscular to stick legs.
  • aj_rock
    aj_rock Posts: 390 Member
    A common trait I find amongst people who are really overweight or obese or were overweight and obese is big calves. This probably happened because of the weight being carried around for a long period of time. Also calves are genetic. If your your mom or dad has them, chances are you will.
    It's almost impossible to not affect them unless you walk on your hands. I would say just make sure not to train them directly. If you're female, the ditch high heels since they force you up on your toes and that contracts the calf muscle. Other than that, you're stuck with them.

    What he said. You can always pick out an ex-obese person by their calves. I've tested this (tactfully!) and have yet to meet someone who either wasn't overweight at some point/recently or whose parents had them too,