Help me with weight loss

I recently switched to MFP from weight watchers because I needed a change. However, I feel like I am running into the same problems I had before. I've been on for a week, but I have only lost 1 pound. My goal is to lose 9. I think part of it is that I do not drink enough water, which I am going to fix immediately. However, I wonder if I am eating enough calories. I usually stay within my allotted calories but sometimes I may burn 600+ calories (walking to gym, taking class, and yoga) in one day. I cut out all sugar (I'm an addict) but still drink light cranberry juice and oj with breakfast. But I seriously wonder if I need to eat more food.

Are there people who eat their exercise calories. Any other tips. On a positive note, since last week, my clothes fit better and I am less bloated. Any help is appreciated! I really want to be successful.


  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    When you have so little left to lose, a pound in a week is an excellent loss. Perhaps it would make sense to adjust the expectation, rather than the diet plan? Eat at least some of the calories you burn, and congratulate yourself on a pound gone. You've done really well. Enjoy your success!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    how pounds would you expect to lose in a week?

    You should eat back your exercise calories or you are netting around 600 which is way too low
  • Suzay
    Suzay Posts: 60
    I would eat back half of your exercise calories. Machines aren't always accurate so it could be back a hundred calories or so, and if you eat half of them you haven't ate too little. So if your calorie intake is 1200 and you burn 600, I would eat 1500 in the one day. At a minimum 1350.
  • joi1407
    joi1407 Posts: 79
    a pound a week is good pace. and definitely eat your exercise calories back. there is a thread on here on exercise calories and explanations on why you should eat them and your net should not be below 1200. search for it, as I don't have the link at the moment. It might be in the permanent topics.
    What exercises are you doing?

    feel free to add me.
  • paulalbeaty
    paulalbeaty Posts: 1 Member
    I also just left ww and had gotten frustrated with all the points system and counting. I have come back to mfp as a tool since it was so easy to use. I did bring with me some of the tools like the calories I needed to stay under for the amount of weight loss required/my age/current weight that I had from some of the other weight loss programs. For me it's about staying under 1200 balanced calories and adding my workouts. When I follow those guides I see a very encouraging decline. I do think you'll need to eat enough that you don't go into "starvation" mode that ww and jenny craig warn about. Good luck, and seriously 1 lb a week when you only have 10 to do is fantastic!!!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    To lose 9 pounds most people would suggest that you shoot for half a pound a week loss instead of a pound.. but if a pound happens, then awesome!

    Make sure that you are eating enough(I'm on to my last 6 pounds and I'm eating about 1670 a day plus exercise calories). Make sure you have lots of fresh veggies, fruit, lean protein, etc.. all are good things that will help weight loss.
  • dddttt
    dddttt Posts: 39 Member
    This is 1 lb of fat:
    And you've lost it! It's awesome! Don't undermine what you've achieved and don't let it take you off track - if you do then you'll definitely not reach your goal. And you CAN do it!
  • jwaitman
    jwaitman Posts: 367 Member
    You aren't going to lose all 9 pounds in a week so don't get discouraged. I never eat all my exercise calories back, but do eat at least half of them. I have averaged about a 2 pound loss per week so it works. I too am a former WW member and it just wasn't working for me anymore and besides MFP is free!
  • nsimportant
    nsimportant Posts: 170 Member
    1 lb a week for a woman is great especially when you don't have much to loose.
    You know with some ppl its that once the fat is gone from those cells it gets filled by water and you still look puffy and then one day you notice a big loss in weight.

    For exercise calories I just eat a Protein + Glucose (200ish cals), and then one hour I eat something solid.
    If i notice I was hungry a specific day I only reorganize my meals abit and maybe add 100 cals and it gets the hunger away.
    And if i see that I am loosing too much just up my calories if its too slow lower them (Or exercise more).