Anti-Drive Thru Breakfast 238 Calories

Treimusic Posts: 2
edited October 1 in Recipes
Good Morning Beautiful people. I'll admit if you catch me on a hormonal day those Mcdonald's commercials make the $2.00 Bacon, Egg, & Cheese Breakfast "dooflicky" look oooh so yummy! Instead of falling for the "dooflicky" ( :laugh: try this....I forgot to take a picture but I will the next time I make it.

238 Calories
1 Cinnamon Raisin Bagel Thin
1/2 Slice of Turkey Bacon (I use Trader Joes)
1/2 Slice of Deli Cheese cut into a triangle not rectangle
1 Egg
Seasonings of your choice (I used Old Bay, Dill, Kosher Salt, & Pepper)

Spray bagel with butter spary (in can) & toast in oven on 275 for no more than 5 mins unless you like your bagel thin crunchy...
Cut & sautee your piece of turkey bacon in pan sprayed with butter spray, season & scramble you egg & add to the sauteed bacon, let that cook to your liking. Take out the bagel, finish up the egg & add to bagel (fold egg or cut to fit bagel) . Take the 1/2 piece of cheese (that's cut in a triangle) & cut it again in another triangle (this is why I need a picture) and then lay the cheese back to back which will form a square that will fit perfectly on your bagel and satisfy the need for cheese...:smile:

Add spread (jelly, mapel syrup etc.) if you like and enjoy... Have an amazing 238 calorie breakfast versus 420 calories...


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