when to begin switching weely loss goals.

I've lost quite a bit of weight with the goal of 2 lbs loss per week. I've not always met that goal each week, and some weeks I've lost much more than that. Anyway, now that I'm nearing my goal weight range I'm starting to wonder if I need to start lowering my weekly loss goal. I don't want to reach it and then put on a bunch of rebound weight when I switch to maintenance. I'm 5'9 and currently weigh 205 my weight goal range is 180-185.

I realize I'm still several months away from reaching that range, but I'm wondering if I need to start uping my calories gradually now so that by the time I am there and I go to a maintenance schedule I won't rebound. Any suggestions?


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i changed my cals from deficit of 1lb per week, to 1/2 a pound when i was 4 pounds away from my goal, and once i get to my goal weight (1 pound to go) i will increase by 100 cals per week to maintenance.

    you may want to look at changing your goal to 1lb first, maybe when you get under 200?