Very Discouraged

So last week I started Curves and signed up for MFP. I have been working out 4 days a week and logging most of my meals. This morning I decided to weigh myself and to my utter disgust, I gained 2 pounds. This puts me at my highest weight, 275lbs.

One of my coworkers is being very encouraging saying it happened to both him and his wife. That my body is protesting losing the I understand there might be water retention and that I'm also gaining muscle from working out...but it still makes me depressed.

Has anyone else gone through a similar situation?


  • taraodowd
    taraodowd Posts: 14 Member
    Dont get discouraged, you've done a fantastic thing by starting this very bumpy rollercoaster ride of weight loss. Forget about the scales for the moment, the weight gain is more than likely water retention. Stay focused on your goal and keep on going. I know its easier said than done and there will be days when you just dont feel like it, but as long as you can pick yourself up, dust yourself down and get back on track again, all your hard work and effort will pay off.....IT WILL PAY OFF.

    C'mon you can do it :)
  • BrownSugar81
    Keep pushing, the weight will come off.
  • Sharonsimon
    Sharonsimon Posts: 56 Member
    hi just to let you know Ive been going to curves for almost two years the first few months were hard as my weight increased but my measurements were going down this happened for atleast three months. After this time and encouragement from the staff the weight started to drop off half a stone at a time. Each time I got measured the inches were coming off aswell dont get discouraged as of today I am 22 inches less and 2.5 stones lighter.
  • kiwisocks
    Although I can't explain why you gained two pounds, I just say keep on going!! Since you just started you will absolutely see results, just be patient! One thing a general rule (meaning there sure are exceptions!) when anyone has a significant amount of weight to lose, never explain weight gains on muscle gain (short term at least). This is an extremely common myth, but really only the people who can use this "excuse" are the ones who weigh more but are not "fat" i.e. low body fat percentage and still have higher weights. I know this is a very short explanation but it's unfortunately an excuse we can't use!!! Good luck :)
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    Don't get discouraged! You are doing the right thing for your body, just keep pushing through it!

    Make sure you're getting enough water (8+ cups a day). Also watch your sodium and try to stay under 2500g or even 1500g if possible. Be aware that if you've just introduced exercise, you will probably be gaining muscle, and muscle weighs more than fat. But muscle is good because the more muscle you have on your body, the leaner you'll look and the more efficiently you'll burn fat!
  • lilac67
    lilac67 Posts: 311
    Nekosimba, I know it seems discouraging, but keep pushing thru it. It takes your body a little bit to adjust, but you'll see results. Just keep up with your eating plan and your exercise plan and it'll come. You'll be glad you did!
  • rdvincent
    same thing happened to me when I started exercising, you muscles hold water to repair themselves, so keep it up, it will all level out later!
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    Start taking your mesurements. I remember a few weeks ago I gained 2 pounds but also lost 1 inch at my hips. Smaller butt = me happy what ever the scale say!!!!!
  • Carolyn1136
    Carolyn1136 Posts: 3 Member
    Good Morning - same thing happened to me when I started; but after the 3rd week, I had a 4 lb drop. I get discouraged weighing every week and only seeing 1/2 - 1 lb lost. Now I weigh once-a month which gives me a good drop in pounds. Mind of matter!

    Hang in there. Stick with your routine! Good things will come you way!

  • BerkleyEL
    BerkleyEL Posts: 77 Member
    You can do this! It is so incredibly worth it.
    Don't forget to drink your water, as your body needs enough of it to make the magic happen.

    You are so worth taking care of!

    (Oh, and you can friend me if you'd like, I'm new to this wonderful site)
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    I haven't seen a change in my scale in quite some time, but I am pushing through. It can be discouraging and I have my moments, but it is worth it.

    And Lilac!!!! I LOVE your profile picture!!!!!
  • TazzyDB
    TazzyDB Posts: 224
    First of all, Welcome to the MFP family. You're going to find an amazing support circle here. I've been on for 25 days now and have lost almost 15 pounds. But, when I first started, My weight went up and down and then didn't move at all. It's really in the last few weeks that it's taken a steady downward turn... Thank GOD!

    My motto is the more the merrier and the less we'll weigh!!!... get a group of diet buddies on here and it will be that much easier!
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Don't be discouraged, you've barely just begun this journey! It can be easily be water weight or constipation (our bodies can store up to 12lbs of poop, ew I know). Keep with it and you will see results! It's waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too early in the game to get discouraged!

    "One of the most frustrating moments for many dieters is the weekly weigh-in. Sometimes, the results on your scales seem to bear very little relation to the week you've just had. Maybe you've been really good - but not lost anything. Or you've had a couple of meals out, and eaten more than a few candy bars - and yet you've dropped a pound.

    What's going on?

    If you weren't dieting and weighed yourself every day, you'd still find that your weight wasn't steady: it might fluctuate by as much as several pounds. These fluctuations in body weight are commonly due to:

    Water retention
    Glycogen stores
    The amount you've eaten

    Water Retention

    Water retention is caused by drinking too little water, or eating too much salt. If you don't drink enough water, your body will cling onto its water supplies; make sure you're drinking enough. And if you eat too much salt, your kidneys hold onto water instead of excreting it.

    Women commonly retain water during the few days of the month just before their period. This "phantom" few pounds will drop off as quickly as it went on. Some medications can also cause water retention.
    Glycogen Stores

    Glycogen - sugar - is carbohydrate stored in the liver and muscles; usually more than a pound in total, along with three or four pounds of water. This is your body's energy reserve, and gets used up during the day if you're not taking in enough carbohydrates to supply your energy needs.

    When you eat, your body replaces the glycogen store and the water that goes with it - leading to a weight gain on the scales, even if you've only eaten a moderately-sized meal. This is absolutely normal and should not put you off eating carbohydrates!
    The Amount You've Eaten

    Don't think about the meal you've just eaten in terms of calories - think in terms of weight. You could stuff yourself with pounds of fruit or salad for under a few hundred calories - but these pounds will show up if you stand on the scales straight after a meal. (Just imagine weighing yourself with all that food in your hands.) Once your body's had a chance to digest it, that food will disappear. The same applies with water - which has 0 calories, but definitely weighs something!

    So how can you figure out whether you're losing weight or not, if your body's so prone to fluctuations? Try:

    Only weighing yourself once a week, not every day
    Always weighing first thing in the morning, before eating/drinking
    Looking at the pattern of weight loss over time, rather than worrying if you've stayed the same or gone up in one particular week
    Judging your success by the fit of your clothes, your energy and the good habits you're forming - not just by the number on the scales."
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    kapeluza is wise!!

    I had a set back early on in my weight loss too and it was because I'd started working out so my muscles were retaining water/glycogen. After a week or two of staying on track, I started losing regularly again.

    I'm assuming there might be some dietary contributors - since you're diary is private, here are some general tips:

    If you're not tracking sodium, add it to your diary now. Make sure you're focusing on getting at least 8 cups of water per day, if not closer to 12 or 15. A day or two of going over in sodium can cause major retention but drinking plenty of water can really help. And it's not just about weight loss, being nicely hydrated is good for you!

    Make sure you're feeding your workouts too - it's actually good to go over the protein level that MFP sets for us, especially when you're active. Also be sure to get some good carbs and good fats.

    Not sure what you have your weight loss goal is set at (pounds per week) but something that helped me was to increase from 1 pound per week to 1.5 pounds per week. I tend to go over my daily limit once or twice per week (due to things that come up) so I need that increased deficit to give me a bit more wiggle room. Once I made that change, the weight loss has been consistent.