Motivating Your Spouse?



  • bris3jbt
    bris3jbt Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks for all the advise! I think I will just keep doing what I am doing and ask him if he wants to exercise with me. If he doesn't, I will leave it be until he is ready. I just hate the way he feels about himself. It makes me sad but if he's not willing to change then I can't force him.
  • One easy way to start is doing something fun. Try joing a rec sports league like volleyball or anything he enjoys. The first step is always getting him out of the house and doing some sort of activitiy. From there, he will start feeling better about doing physical activity and it gives you good quality time with him not in front of the TV.
  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member
    My husband and I have been married for 12 years and when we met I was already a big exercise fanatic and ate healthy. He has gained some weight over the years about 30 pounds. I never said anything about how I thought he needed to lose weight, I just always asked him if he wanted to go to the gym with me or go walk with me. He never was interested until about 6 months ago and I got him to join MFP and he started out walking and lifting some weights. He always ate healthy at home (he had no other choice, thats all I cook) but not when he was away from home.

    I think encouragement is a big thing. I just kept inviting him everytime I worked out and kept telling him I wanted him around for a long time. He just had to do it when he was ready.

    He now runs a 5k with no problem (We have ran one together AWESOME!) and he has lost 20lbs.

    Just don't give up on him and keep asking him if he wants to go for a walk or a bike ride, etc... Good luck
  • Sonchie
    Sonchie Posts: 259 Member
    wow! I just typed up this long response then when i hit reply the page failed and I lost it! LOL.
    Anyway, It basically said. Im in the same boat. I just invite him to go to the gym with me when hes home and i cook healthy meals at home. Dont ride him about it. Just lead by example!
  • Nancymcgregor
    Nancymcgregor Posts: 150 Member
    It's funny because my husband got me back into exercising because he bought a bike to go on rides with my son. Of course he never went biking with my son but I decided to get a bike of my own and start biking and he then joined me. We go regulary now and my kids have started to join in too. My 5yo twins can now ride 5 miles.
    I also started going swimming because my joints really hurt with the weight and now he comes with me there too. He didn't want to exercise today but just seeing me pack my swim bag and he went and grabbed his trunks.
    Food is another matter though. He just won't cut the snacking and bad food. I cook healthy foods but he will go to the shop at night or at work and buy cola, salted nuts and chocolate. He says he can't do diets because he's always hungry. He says he needs more calories because he's building muscle. I have no idea about this but I just assumed you lose the fat before you build up.
    Anyway good luck, just try get him involved with your exercise somehow.