About to start weening off of a juice cleanse...HELP!

Hey All! I have been doing a juice cleanse for 4 days now, and I am so glad I did because I feel I've gotten great results and have really turned a new leaf and feel I've "rebooted" my system. So please, regardless of your opinion on cleansing, don't criticize that part because it's done and I've loved it.

My question is weeing myself off of it. I know the whole "your body is in starvation mode so your metabolism slows" theory, which is why I'm seeking advice. I want to go about this the right way so I don't shock my body with whole foods again and it goes crazy and I gain a bunch of weight.

Any advice from someone who has done this before, or knows the best way to go about it??

Thanks in advance for your help!


  • pattyproulx
    pattyproulx Posts: 603 Member
    Hey All! I have been doing a juice cleanse for 4 days now, and I am so glad I did because I feel I've gotten great results and have really turned a new leaf and feel I've "rebooted" my system. So please, regardless of your opinion on cleansing, don't criticize that part because it's done and I've loved it.

    My question is weeing myself off of it. I know the whole "your body is in starvation mode so your metabolism slows" theory, which is why I'm seeking advice. I want to go about this the right way so I don't shock my body with whole foods again and it goes crazy and I gain a bunch of weight.

    Any advice from someone who has done this before, or knows the best way to go about it??

    Thanks in advance for your help!

    Never done this before so I probably can't give you much advice. I'd love to know more about how the cleanse went. I was considering trying it for 4-5 days and give my system a break.

    Because juicing is giving your whole digestive system a break, I'd think you're right in not wanting to shock it with something really tough to digest. My guess would be to introduce one meal back at a time with easy to digest meals. Eat a lot of fruits and veggies and maybe small portions of meat.

    I really shouldn't even say much though since I know next to nothing about juicing; that's just what would make sense to me.
  • lionempress
    lionempress Posts: 126 Member
    Bump, I recently started a juice feast... and would like to see peoples replies/suggestions.

    Alittle, do you think you could have done your fast for longer? Also did you do a juice fast or feast?
  • Jamcnair
    Jamcnair Posts: 586 Member
    I think you are typically supposed to start off with broth-based soup with not much in it..and then maybe after that it was salads? Try Google
  • alittle99
    alittle99 Posts: 37 Member
    Bump, I recently started a juice feast... and would like to see peoples replies/suggestions.

    Alittle, do you think you could have done your fast for longer? Also did you do a juice fast or feast?

    I actually am still on it... on day 4! I plan to go at least another day if not more. I think I could definitely go longer if needed, but this weekend in particular I am going out of town and think bringing a juicer along with all my produce would be difficult to say the least :-)

    I did the juice fast (I'm not quite sure what the feast is)- strictly juiced vegetables and fruit. I have surprisingly done a lot better than anticipated and feel great! I am still able to work out, be functional at work, and have a surprising amount of energy considering I've had no solid food or caffeine! I do want to make sure to not fully crash on this, though, so hoping to get some good insight here as well. Let me now how yours goes!! PUSH through day 2 and 3... those were my worst! Smooth sailing from there, though!
  • alittle99
    alittle99 Posts: 37 Member
    I think you are typically supposed to start off with broth-based soup with not much in it..and then maybe after that it was salads? Try Google

    Thanks so much :-) that sounds reasonable to me! It's hard to know what to google in this case... this site I've found has really had some good guidance on a lot of things, and I've actually found good tips, so thought I'd share for anyone interested!


    The movie this site is based off of (Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead) is actually what got me inspired to do this in the first place.