marathon training

mobm Posts: 6 Member
edited October 1 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi my fellow joggers/runners!

I had a great winter for running. i was up to 16km. Now, almost the end of summer and I'm struggling with 7km! What gives? I'm reading about running in the heat and belly breathing. The reason I often struggle is that I feel a tightening in my chest. Perhaps running too fast. Getting discouraged altogether, never mind I can't seem to get up for the AM runs which I was loving in the winter as well.

Would love any feedback on what motivates everyone else and what helps when you're out of running sync



  • runslikeagirl
    runslikeagirl Posts: 140 Member
    I have noticed that in the heat I can't run very fast or far! Last summer I could run 3 miles easy at a pace of 10 min per mile but this summer after finally getting used to running in the cold when its really hot outside after 1 mile and a 1/2 my body says "IM DONE" I just started yesterday training for a half. Please add me if you would like. I always welcome running friends. I have a bad habbit of over doing it because I just love running so much.
  • runningathena
    runningathena Posts: 218 Member
    Heat can significantly affect your runs... be kind to yourself and expect a decrease in efficiency when running in hotter temps! I run early in the morning to beat the heat (and the air is cleaner at that time, less smog from vehicles). I'm in a bit of a slump right now as I train for marathon #2 but I'm trying to get back into it... if need be, and you have access, try a treadmill run at the gym to change things up and get in the miles. I ran on the TM last night and felt really good. I definitely sweat a lot more in the gym but I was happy to get in the miles considering it was 80+ degrees outside!

    Good luck!
  • runninggal30
    runninggal30 Posts: 16 Member
    I just love to run but it's amazing how many excuses one can come up with to not exercise. I don't think I have ever had a run where I have had regrets about getting off the couch - but I HAVE had days where I have regretted NOT getting off the couch. My advice to you, is join a group at your local running store if you have one. I have the best running friends, who motivate me and whose company I enjoy immensely!! We have cheered each other through many a finish line and have shared many laughs and even a few tears. I know that if I don't show up for my run, I am bailing on my friends and that helps get me out the door.
    Good luck and happy running!!
  • runningathena
    runningathena Posts: 218 Member
    I just love to run but it's amazing how many excuses one can come up with to not exercise. I don't think I have ever had a run where I have had regrets about getting off the couch - but I HAVE had days where I have regretted NOT getting off the couch. My advice to you, is join a group at your local running store if you have one. I have the best running friends, who motivate me and whose company I enjoy immensely!! We have cheered each other through many a finish line and have shared many laughs and even a few tears. I know that if I don't show up for my run, I am bailing on my friends and that helps get me out the door.
    Good luck and happy running!!

    The OP didn't say she had an issue with motivation, but more with being affected by the heat and having breathing problems. Do you have any specific methods you use to beat the heat? More minds are better than one :)
  • nikkicarter13
    nikkicarter13 Posts: 231 Member
    Running in the humidty completley kills my breathing ability. During the summer I tend to run mostly on the treadmill when its that hot and humid out. However lately I have become bored with the treadmill runs, so I am hoping the weather will corporate soon and I can go back to running outside. I like to try to run early in the AM or later in the evening when its cooler out.
  • I too have issues with the heat and humidity affecting my runs. During the winter months I was running 5-6 miles at a time and now I'm lucky to do 2-3 mile runs. So for the time being while the days have been in the 90s with lots of humidity, I just run on the treadmill. My only other suggestion to you would be to run early in the morning or late at night when hopefully the temps have dropped some.

    Feel free to add me as a friend since I'm always looking for running buddies for motivation.
  • mobm
    mobm Posts: 6 Member
    Wow! Thanks for sharing!!! I feel less discouraged now. We've had a few coolish, no humidity days and I can definitey feel a difference in my runs! I just stick to it because nothing gives me the satisfaction of a run.
  • LaraeTX
    LaraeTX Posts: 674 Member
    I have noticed that in the heat I can't run very fast or far! Last summer I could run 3 miles easy at a pace of 10 min per mile but this summer after finally getting used to running in the cold when its really hot outside after 1 mile and a 1/2 my body says "IM DONE" I just started yesterday training for a half. Please add me if you would like. I always welcome running friends. I have a bad habbit of over doing it because I just love running so much.

    I'm in the same boat as you. However, I really love the summer, and woudn't trade it for the world. Plus training in the summer makes you faster for the fall races when it's cooler. I'm adding you as a friend.
  • irongirl73
    irongirl73 Posts: 98 Member
    My summer runs easily increase about a minute to a minute and half per mile. I also walk when I feel like walking because it is so hot. You can't compare running in 90 degree weather vs 60. They are two totally different workouts in my opinion. I always cut back on my running in the summertime. :) I always treat myself to a popsicle after too!
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