Is it really that strange?

So at this point in my journey, thinking of goals in terms of numbers is overwhelming unless I just think 10 lbs at a time but that is not always motivating enough. I wanted my goals to be things I could see or do that I couldn't before, so my main focus points have been on non numbers related things.

My main goal right now is seeing my collar bones again. I have no idea when they disappeared but one day I realized that I could not see them without contorting into some strange position while standing in front of the mirror. Every time I discuss this goal with others I get an odd look and today I even got an, "I can see mine and I still think I'm overweight." Really, that's not the point, it is my little goal.

What is your strange or non number related goal? :huh:


  • TinaS88
    TinaS88 Posts: 817 Member
    Pelvic bones!! :P
  • I want to be able to double cross my legs again!
  • novalee13
    novalee13 Posts: 14 Member
    I don't think that your goal is strange at all! I love my collar bone. . . I guess my goal would probably be to gain more muscle in my arms. I HATE them.
  • Hip bones would be nice ☺
  • Nikki206
    Nikki206 Posts: 69
    Double crossing legs! That is a great one, I completely forgot that I used to be able to do that =) I think that some people that aren't really on this journey don't think about it in these terms. :happy:
  • jennywrens
    jennywrens Posts: 208
    to wear a skirt / dress without my legs rubbing together!

    also .... to wear trousers that don't give me a muffin top (I have skinny legs and a big tummy, so they either drown me in the legs and bum or leave me with the unattractive tummy bulge)
  • Not strange. 10lbs for me was too much the last 6 months. It has taken me 6 moths to lose 10 lbs. I have just kept doing what I do (exercise and try to eat right) with almost no movement. I stay positive and keep going. You can do it!! Keep on keeping on!!
  • JWeaser
    JWeaser Posts: 302
    To not have my upper thighs rub together when I walk. That and be able to see ab definition while just standing and not flexing. That one I know is more of a long term goal but I am working on it! LOL
  • shesonic80
    shesonic80 Posts: 13 Member
    I know where you are coming from. I want to be able to see my pelvic bones again as well. Seeing my collar bones would be nice too! What I am mainly using as motivation is being able to go to a REGULAR department store and buy the clothes I want without settling for whatever is in my size and fits okay.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I love your goal of seeing your collar bones! That's usually one of the first things (at least us women) notice as we start losing weight. It's so cool to have them show up again!

    I try to focus on fitness goals - right now I'm training to run at least half of a 10k I'm signed up for in October.

    As far as physical goals, I'd like to see a lot less flab hanging off my upper arms when I'm fully flexed. It's getting better all the time but I'll be elated on the day that my "wings" are gone. :)
  • 42hockeymom
    42hockeymom Posts: 521 Member
    Nope, not strange at all. And a damn fine goal that is too! Gives me something to think about! Thanks!:bigsmile:
  • leynak
    leynak Posts: 963 Member
    I would love to get rid of my thigh rub & I want to be able to wear a cute costume for Halloween.
  • Here's sit down and not have the waist of my pants fold over! Or to walk without my shorts creepin' up my thighs! Or to look in the mirror and NOT look 6 months pregnant! Or maybe understand how some (thin) women can wear thong underwear! Heck if I put those suckers on right now I would be able to find them till next Tuesday! LOL
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I don't suppose mine is strange, but I'm really working toward my physical stamina. I'm a figure skater and would like to be able to go an entire hour without getting winded. I can do 30 mins now easily, maybe even 40 mins. But I'm not sure I can yet do an hour.
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    I do not think is stange at all. i think collar bones are sexy. I really loved mine until i had an accident and broke it, and not it is crocked :(
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I just wish my baby belly would go away. I can tell I've lost alot of weight there but it is going very slowly.I have PCOS as well and that makes the belly issue like 100x worse. My mom never lost the sagging skin there from having children and eventually had a tummy tuck, she was VERY fit and her trainer told her there was nothing else she could do to get rid of it. I pray I don't end up like that..... Thankfully I have plenty of genes from my dad's side.

    Seriously, I would be happy with my arms, legs, neck and everything else right now if my damn belly would just go away!
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,412 Member
    Collarbones are wonderful, I remember how excited I was when I started noticing mine. Ribs and pelvic followed. Woo Hoo for you.
  • mathlete99
    mathlete99 Posts: 133 Member
    I am on the collar bone search myself :) I have a dress I want to wear on the first day of school (I am a teacher) that I have hanging in plain view in my closet. I see it a few times a day and I am mindful of my new lifestyle.
  • runner328
    runner328 Posts: 174
    Visible ab muscles!!!
  • irrelevant
    irrelevant Posts: 11 Member
    I want to remove my double chin and get some definition in my face - especially since I see it every day in the mirror. I also want to go without having the desire to pull my shirt down even when standing. Some of you will know what I'm talkingabout.