Something isn't adding up...

Hello.. I am new to this site. Just a little bit about me. I am 38, mother of 2. I have been up and down with the same 10lbs for years now.. Unfourtanately I am on the up side of it. I am finaly tired of it and ready to get in shape for me! I started exercising and watching my calories about 3 weeks ago. I have only been eating about 1200-1300 calories and walking an hour a day usualy 4-5 days a week. I got on the scale this morning and I have gained a total of 4lbs in the last 3 weeks. If it didn't make me so mad, I would cry! I put the scale up and got out the measuring tape. I know that I have lost inches and things are starting to get a little loose but why no weight? It just amazes me, how is that possible. I was at 176 and I am now at 180. My goal weight is 155! I plan to have a tummy tuck in April and I need to be at that goal weight... I would love to make some new friends on here and be a supporter to anyone who needs it and I could use some myself.

Good Luck and Have a great day!


  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    It is very possible that with the exercise you're doing 1200-1300 calories isn't enough to fuel your body properly. :) You have to eat to lose. I know it sounds counterproductive, but when our bodies aren't getting enough fuel they won't be comfortable enough to lose weight. If you've been eating well, I don't see how those 4lbs could be anything but water water. You would have to eat a lot of extra calories to gain 4lbs.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Could be a number of things from sodium to building muscle to your body holding onto water due to the increase in exercise. But with the inches going down, you're headed in the right direction. Seriously, scales are evil & tape measures are sanity savers! Don't give up!
  • mymelody_78
    mymelody_78 Posts: 657 Member
    Are you eating 1200-1300 calories net or before going on the walk. I wonder if it could be that you are not getting enough calories for the amount of calories that you are buring. Also, could it be that it is just water weight? After a day of high sodium, I usually weigh at least a few pounds more for about 2 days or so.
  • Chryzznit79
    Chryzznit79 Posts: 12 Member
    You have to remember that muscle weighs more then fat does - so u may be putting on a little from muscle but you're losing the fat inches.......also remember that if, and I know this sounds gross, your bowels are fullish it will add weight as well..........=) keep your chin up!
  • MonolithTMA
    MonolithTMA Posts: 62 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat, so while you get fit, you may actually gain muscle weight, even though you lose fat. Great job losing those inches!

    Chryzznit79 beat me to it, by seconds. ;-)
  • lindalee0315
    lindalee0315 Posts: 527 Member
    Don't worry too much about 4 lbs. It really could be water weight, particularly if you aren't drinking enough water. The scale numbers will vary widely (perhaps "wildly" is a better word) from day to day. It's fairly typical to gain a little weight at the very beginning of an exercise regimine. When your body gets used to it, you'll likely have a couple of weeks where you lose several pounds, then it will taper off to 1-2 pounds per week. Feel free to add me if you would like!
  • momof3and3
    momof3and3 Posts: 656 Member
    " I plan to have a tummy tuck in April and I need to be at that goal weight... I would love to make some new friends on here and be a supporter to anyone who needs it and I could use some myself."

    I had a tummy tuck in was one of the best decisions I ever made....I had 5 kids in 9 years, so no matter what I did my stomach was a mess. I would do it all again if I had a choice.... :) Just saying.
  • mefeight1964
    mefeight1964 Posts: 88 Member
    The scale is only ONE tool in seeing progress on your weight loss journey. The tape measure, body fat % and how you look and feel are others. Don't stress about the numbers. If you're seeing a change in your body and the way your clothes fit, you know you're doing something right. Remember, muscle weighs more than fat and takes up less room. Exercise builds muscle. Keep that in mind and enjoy your NSV's (non-scale victories) along the way. Keep exercising, and sticking to your healthy eating plan and eventually the scale will move in the right direction. :)
  • adventuring
    There are lots of things it could be. If you're dehydrated (or, uh, backed up) that could definitely up your weight. Also, if you're exercising heavily—whatever that means for you—that could also affect your weight, by some science I'm not gonna pretend to totally understand. But I've definitely gained a couple pounds after a new and/or unusually intense workout.

    These things normally stabilize within a few days to a week. So my suggestion would be to focus on your measurements right now and put off the scale for a week or two if you find it upsetting. Keep hydrated, keep motivated, and keep going.
  • sldavis73
    Thank you all for the replys... I am trying to stay off the scale and just go with the measurements and I know that is what matters most. I do feel better and I feel so positive mentaly and that is a huge part of this whole journey... I have found some things in my daily eating habits that need to be tweaked and I am making those changes. Everyday it gets a little better but this really a battle but worth fighting.. I just keep my eyes on the future and how good I will feel with each new victory! Feel free to add me as a friend! :)