Hello Everyone

QueenFe Posts: 81 Member
I joined this site a long time ago and never really introduced myself. My name is Felicia and I started out following the Weight Watchers Program but there new program doesn't fit my needs, so I'm just logging my food and exercise on myfitnesspal. I've lost 41 pounds so far by doing Zumba, Kickboxing and KettleWorx. Just looking for some extra support so feel free to add me. Nice to meet you all.


  • KristineAG
    Hi Felicia!

    It's great that you're back on the site! Looks like you've made amazing progress already. Good luck with reaching your goals! :smile:
  • laitae
    laitae Posts: 50
    Nice to meet you! You've got some fantastic results and you should be proud of them! Good luck!
  • Dhrana
    Dhrana Posts: 4
    Excellent results..keep up the great work!
  • QueenFe
    QueenFe Posts: 81 Member
    Thanks you guys... Yes I feel so much better and plan to continue on until I reach my goal. I plan to start with the progress picts, I only wish I had done that from the start. Oh well, better late than never :-) I wish you all continued success as well.