Questions on exercise DVDs.....


I'm looking for some advise regarding which exercise DVDs would be good to go onto next, and why.

I'm just finishing the 30DS. I've loved it, all the way through. I did L1, then L2, then went back to L1 as I'd bought proper weights and started all over again, so I've done it for 49 days now. My initial plan was to buy Turbo Jam once I'd finished this. I nearly bought it today, but decided to check it out on youtube first, and I'm glad I did as I really don't think it's my sort of thing at all! I really don't get along with the music, dance-y type things really aren't something that would keep my interest - I like the dedicated, repeated strength/cardio movements style of Jillian Michaels over the dance-y 'bounce around to the beat' type workouts. I know I'm not explaining that too well, sorry!

So, where do I go from here. I own 30DS, obviously, I also own Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism. I was thinking of buying 'No More Trouble Zones' and doing something like:

Wed: 1 or 2 from 30DS
Sat: 2 or 3 from 30DS

Q1. Does this look like a reasonable workout schedule for a few weeks?

Q2. I'm in serious danger of over-dosing on JM with this. After 4-6 weeks of this, are there any other DVDs in a similar style that would be beneficial?

Any other help anyone could give would be most welcome :)

Thank you


PS - I'm in the UK - not sure if this makes a difference :)


  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Have you checked out They have lots of instructors and lots of free (and pay) workouts. Even just perusing their workouts should give you ideas as to what you like and don't like. has a health & fitness channel - there is a small selection there also.

    I think the "bounce around to the beat" is a good description. I too like more structured workouts.
  • deesjourney2fit
    The Biggest Loser DVD's are cool too. They have Cardio and Bootcamp ones. I personally like TurboJam and TurboFire but they aren't for everyone. Hope this helps a bit...?
  • cheri03
    cheri03 Posts: 172 Member
    Try Bob Harper dvds. I can OD on too much Jillian as well. I am big fan of the beachbody dvds, Insanity, p90x etc.
  • TwinMamma09
    Have you tried Ripped in 30 by Jillian? I think this is a step up from 30DS and you may like it.

    I think your schedule is reasonable as I do something similar. Good luck!!!
  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    I too did the 30DS....

    See if you can find "THE Biggest Loser Cardio Max" it is has three different levels....and each level has a different trainer. Jillian is one of them....
  • grimms11208
    grimms11208 Posts: 146 Member
    I just completed the 1st month of Insanity and in the first 2 weeks I lost 4 lbs tomorrow I will officially weigh in but I love them I burn anywhere from 450-600 calories in 40 minutes! And next week starts level two with longer more intense workouts!
  • ClareB1974
    ClareB1974 Posts: 224 Member
    Thank you everyone!

    Teabea - I had a look on exercisetv a little while ago, but had forgotten about it! Thank you for reminding me, I shall go and look :) Not heard of hulu though, I'll check that out too - thanks!

    deesjourney2fit - I hadn't thought of the biggest loser ones - I will look those up too, thanks :)

    cheri03 - I haven't heard of Bob Harper, I shall look him up. I did think about Insanity and P90X for the future, fitter me! I assume they aren't dance-y!! I shudder at the thought of a pull up though, I really don't think I could do one of those, let alone several. Although having said that, planks made me collapse at the beginning of 30DS - I can do loads of plank moves now!

    Twinmamma09 - I think ripped in 30 is only region 1 at the moment, I've tried hacking the dvd to multiregion but none of the hacks seem to work so I'm stuck with R2 for now. Thank you for the confirmation on the schedule - should I add anything else in, or would you have thought it pretty much covers strength? I do some extra cardio anyway and hope to do C25K soon -ish!

    Angievaughn - I shall look that one out too. I could have a brilliant schedule going on here that involves a different DVD every day for a month!

    grimms11208 - Insanity scares me a bit, but I'd love to progress to it eventually. Despite knowing that I do not possess the testosterone to end up looking like the man who does insanity, it still scares me!

    Thanks all, the answers are all very helpful :)