Sad and want to eat chocolate

My bff just moved away to another state today, my husband has been working a ton of overtime and I miss him, and I am on day three of an ear infection that is very slowly getting better so it hurts and I can't exercise. I am so depressed today I want to eat a big chocolate cake. Good thing I don't have any chocolate cake! I have a small salad to look forward to for dinner since I only have like 200 calories left and I already went over one day this week eating pizza with my bff that left today. I am not losing any weight even though I have been trying to do everything right for over the 30 days that I have been logging on to mfp. I usually don't want to eat when I am depressed but I also have pms. Blah, good thing we are going on a family beach vacation in a couple of days...although I am a bit worried about overeating since I won't be able to get on mfp to count calories and we will be going out to eat a lot and my in laws eat really high calorie fattening foods (we are staying at their house). Anyone else have bad days and find it very hard to care about your calories?


  • Sagelit
    Sagelit Posts: 78
    I totally have those days too. I just found that the best way for me to get past it is to have just a small portion of the terrible food (my mum-in-law is eastern european and cooks really heavy fatty foods) and eat healthy as fast as I can after that. You can still have the bad food, just eat less of it and try to work it off ASAP.

    Make sure to keep in touch with your bff, and she'll help keep you happy while he's at work :)
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Ahh the joys of being a woman. You are allowed sadness & you are allowed a slice of chocolate cake in my book. ESPECIALLY since you have an earache. I'm so sorry you are sad but do what you can to be happy the soonest you can!! Be nice to yourself in the meantime. And yes, I DO have those days.
  • 1Cuzzo
    1Cuzzo Posts: 5
    We all have those days and there is nothing wrong with a small portioned treat every once in awhile. It hurts more to deprive yourself; it can cause you to eat more. So, go ahead and enjoy that piece of chocolate today. Oh, and I read that dark chocolate is good for you :o)
  • EatDrinkandbeSkinny
    Its so much harder to worry about calories when you are stressed about other things! Just remind yourself that even if you do go over calories its not the end of the world and that you can restart the next day but make sure you don't make a habit out of it. Also remind yourself that you will feel more rewarded when you wake up if you stick to your diet then if you break it. Try distracting yourself by doing yoga and journaling or reading good motivating books.

    Also when you are on vacation just remember PORTION CONTROL, even if you eat poor choices just eat them in tiny moderation and try to fill your plates with vegetables, don't be tempted to eat poorly because your surrounded by people who are eating poorly you'll end up resenting it later! I hope you get out of your funk and survive your vacation :-)
  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    You're having a tough time but you can do this. I've been finding it hard too, for different reasons but I have found having friends that keep you going can really help. Perhaps you can limit the "damage" on your holiday by making healthy choices where possible and trying to moderate portion sizes, but do enjoy your holiday too. You may find that after a holiday everything seems a little easier.

    I find writing down what I eat can help, even if I can't count calories. It just makes you a little more conscious of what you are eating. Allow yourself little treats, you're on holiday after all, but just not too many.

    Perhaps try to fit in a little exercise each day, like walking or swimming. It helps with the feelings of depression as well as providing a little damage limitation if you are not able to control what foods you are eating. It can help with the PMS too.

    Don't be too hard on yourself for a few days if you're not well. Sometimes we all need a couple of days break from the world in general. You can do this and you obviously want to or you wouldn't have posted here. Feel free to add me if you wish.
  • stephski07
    Ooooh bad times! I'm having a struggle today, i've got the devil on one shoulder telling me to "EAT THE CRISPS" and the angel on the other saying "is it really worth the empty calories and the frustration of not getting the numbers on the scales??!" I am really fighting it tonight so im about to go to bed feeling really hungry because im not prepared to un do the hard work of the last 2 1/2 weeks.

    Try and stay focused and just think when you're feeling better you wont have to go back and re-do all your hard work. Maybe you could ring your bff or chat online. Your bff will be so proud of you when they see the results!

    Good Luck, stay strong...and get well soon!xx. add me if you'd like.xx.
  • stangma
    stangma Posts: 211 Member
    For Chocolate cravings try Vita Tops - their chocolate-chocolate chip are THE BEST! You can keep them frozen for those emergencies.

    Hope your vacation goes well - enjoy all the great fresh foods & exercise by walking & swimming & laughing!
  • deenaspell
    deenaspell Posts: 227 Member
    I had a slice of Red Velvet cake last week...with no excuse! Ha ha! Just eat a small portion of something and savor it. Emotional eating is never a good thing, though. Sorry you don't feel well.
  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    ronda_gettinghealthy Posts: 777 Member
    True story....get a vita top --frozen section of the store.....can even slice it in half and put low cal whip cream to make it more decadent and still only a bit over 100 cals.......and they are GOOOOODDDD......
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    Pick out your treat. Log it. Exercise off the same number of calories. Eat it.

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    My bff just moved away to another state today, my husband has been working a ton of overtime and I miss him, and I am on day three of an ear infection that is very slowly getting better so it hurts and I can't exercise. I am so depressed today I want to eat a big chocolate cake. Good thing I don't have any chocolate cake! I have a small salad to look forward to for dinner since I only have like 200 calories left and I already went over one day this week eating pizza with my bff that left today. I am not losing any weight even though I have been trying to do everything right for over the 30 days that I have been logging on to mfp. I usually don't want to eat when I am depressed but I also have pms. Blah, good thing we are going on a family beach vacation in a couple of days...although I am a bit worried about overeating since I won't be able to get on mfp to count calories and we will be going out to eat a lot and my in laws eat really high calorie fattening foods (we are staying at their house). Anyone else have bad days and find it very hard to care about your calories?
    Reassess. You have a home and roof over your head..........many people around the world would just like to have cover. You have food.............many in the world go starving daily. You have your health................many suffer from disease. You have an option................many don't.
    Sometimes looking at your advantages in life, puts a better perspective on how really fortunate we really are.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Find another way to comfort yourself. Food won't make you feel better. In fact, you will feel guilty for indulging.
  • madeanew
    madeanew Posts: 18 Member
    I to date let's see: my Bff moved to another state, a few month after her mom totally unexpectantly passed away, two woman very close to me passed away within a few days of each other, in the midst of all this my father who has ALZ was admitted into the hospital for an undetected allergic reaction and then my uncle passed away. This all happened between March and June. Its so hard not to turn to food for comfort but we are able to not given in. Be encouraged!!! If possible go back to when writing letters was a way to communicate~ keep in touch with your Bff, write your husband a love letter..........
  • ebelliss
    ebelliss Posts: 126 Member
    ughhh i am right there with you today! things are just NOT going well :( but its okay! we can both push through it and be stronger because of it!! hang in there, and hey if you want some chocolate, for goodness sakes, eat some chocolate!! but just a little... :)
  • amyschaefer
    Thank you everyone! I had a salad and then a little chocolate ice cream and feel a little better. It helps so much that all of you are so nice and understanding!
  • amyschaefer
  • amyschaefer
    My bff just moved away to another state today, my husband has been working a ton of overtime and I miss him, and I am on day three of an ear infection that is very slowly getting better so it hurts and I can't exercise. I am so depressed today I want to eat a big chocolate cake. Good thing I don't have any chocolate cake! I have a small salad to look forward to for dinner since I only have like 200 calories left and I already went over one day this week eating pizza with my bff that left today. I am not losing any weight even though I have been trying to do everything right for over the 30 days that I have been logging on to mfp. I usually don't want to eat when I am depressed but I also have pms. Blah, good thing we are going on a family beach vacation in a couple of days...although I am a bit worried about overeating since I won't be able to get on mfp to count calories and we will be going out to eat a lot and my in laws eat really high calorie fattening foods (we are staying at their house). Anyone else have bad days and find it very hard to care about your calories?
    Reassess. You have a home and roof over your head..........many people around the world would just like to have cover. You have food.............many in the world go starving daily. You have your health................many suffer from disease. You have an option................many don't.
    Sometimes looking at your advantages in life, puts a better perspective on how really fortunate we really are.

    You are so right. It is hard sometimes though. I lost my three remaining grandparents within two months only a few months ago (two within four days of each other), my in laws moved to another state the day after my last grandparent died -I have three little kids and they were a support from us and are not here for my kids to have regularly in their life- and my mom was diagnosed with bladder cancer three months ago. I have so much good in my life but it is hard having so much loss. I am having a bad day and will be better tomorrow.Thank you for reminding me that even through all this I still have so much.
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    I'm having PMS cravings right now! and am having that chocolate! but Im trying not too have too much, I think I finally had enough lol