Hey! Im new

My big sister recommended this site, Im finding it very useful, and Im so shocked by the amount of calories in foods :O

Im having a hard time at the mo, cant stop thinking of chicken fillet burger! help :o lol


  • Learning about how many calories, or grams of fat in food is HUGE for me for weight loss. It makes me think twice about eating almost everything. Just look up how many calories are in your beloved sandwich and then see how much other delicious stuff you can eat for the same amount! :-)
  • Lsqueezy
    Lsqueezy Posts: 128
    So get a chicken fillet burger and cut the condiments and eat only the bottom bun. Might satisfy your craving and you will be cutting back. I think that's what it's all about. Cutting back. Rome wasn't built in a day.....it's the little things that add up in the big picture!
  • 3jltaylor
    3jltaylor Posts: 3 Member
    I do a combination of what the two above me said. A lot of the time I look up how many calories are in what I really want. If it's a high amount I just imagine how many smaller things I can have instead and that helps. Sometimes eating 3 (little) things makes me feel better than eating 1 thing.
    And of course you can't deprive yourself all day every day so find ways to eat a smaller portion of what you want to make yourself happy.