What am I doing wrong?

I am legitimately asking for help/suggestions here.

I have been right around 170 lbs for a while now. Since around June, actually. I first got below 175 in May, and my weight has fluctuated from 169 lbs up to about 175 lbs since then. I admit that I wasn't always strict with myself during all of that time, I took a bit of a break (much needed). But I have been focused over the past few weeks at least, and I'm still not seeing progress. My last weigh-in showed 169.6, but as of this morning the scale was showing 171 again.

I joined an August challenge, and I have been exercising like crazy (running, walking, biking, various strength exercises...). I have covered 12 miles over the past three days just walking and running! Still... Nothing.

I generally try and keep my calorie intake around 1500, so I am not eating too little, and I always make sure to stay under my goal. And I drink so much water that one of my friends referred to me as the "Water Queen" at one point.

Yet I'm still hovering between 169 & 172 lbs.

Does anyone have suggestions for knocking myself off of this horrible plateau???

My diary is public, at least for now. Feel free to look over the last few weeks. (I was traveling/out of town on Friday & Saturday of last week... so that explains the craziness there... but I was still under goal and I still exercised!!!)


  • dreanance
    dreanance Posts: 246
    I would try working in whole fruits and veggies, more real foods to fuel your body. While you are eating enough calories I don't see a ton of nutrition.

    I would also work on a bigger breakfast. Maybe oatmeal/yogurt with kashi and fruit/toast with peanutbutter and banana/frozen waffle with yogurt and fruit etc. I personally shot for 300-400 calories in the morning, a mix of carbs and protein.

    You could also try more carbs in the morning and less at night.
  • Gojira74
    Gojira74 Posts: 57 Member
    Your sodium intake is super high. This will cause water retention and "artificial" weight gain. Try to lower it and balance it with potassium.
  • forkeeps
    forkeeps Posts: 79 Member
    I second the "eat more breakfast" advice. Otherwise, I see you aren't eating all of your exercise calories back so maybe try eating a little more? Even just 100-200 calories CLOSER to the target give.
  • kylee_marie
    kylee_marie Posts: 299 Member
    have you tried zig zagging your calories?? i know several people that were able to break through their plateaus this way...
  • 1200, 1500 - not magical numbers for weight loss. What's your BMR? Find that out, subtract what it takes to get you to the amount of weight you want to lose per week. Go forth and eat.
  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
    I agree with the try the fruits and veggies and that your sodium looks high! Just look for less processed foods and more fresh foods this will help greatly I think! Try to fluctuate calories as well.....When I hit a stopping point I lower my calories to 1200 and do that for a bit then when I stop there I go back to 1400 calories and buy a whole bunch of fruit and veggies so that I am not filling up that gap with junk. You can still sneak in your chocolate I see that you love ;) I love chocolate too but its hard work I am sure you can do! 34 pounds is still a great accomplishment so just don't get to mad at yourself! Keep up your GREAT work and it will pay off I got stuck at this same weight and it stuck for awhile but I kept plugging away and it moved!
  • mark03264
    mark03264 Posts: 334 Member
    If you set up MFP right to start with then the daily calorie goal that MFP gives you already has a calorie deficit built in to lose weight. That said, you should eat close to the calorie goal MFP gives you each day including eating back most of your exercise calories. Depending on how far under the daily calorie goal you are, you are very likely to cause your body to hang onto to the fat it has, slowing down or even stopping fat loss.
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    I would try working in whole fruits and veggies, more real foods to fuel your body. While you are eating enough calories I don't see a ton of nutrition.

    I would also work on a bigger breakfast. Maybe oatmeal/yogurt with kashi and fruit/toast with peanutbutter and banana/frozen waffle with yogurt and fruit etc. I personally shot for 300-400 calories in the morning, a mix of carbs and protein.

    You could also try more carbs in the morning and less at night.

    Ah... the dreaded fruits and veggies... I can't keep fruits in the house, the kids steal them all on me. Which is good, but makes it tough! LOL. I know I need more veggies, but I have a hard time getting them in, I just don't love em yet.

    I will try for better/bigger breakfasts, though. I tend to try and save calories for the evening, because I have a harder time controlling what I eat in the evenings.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    **Edited because I'm dumb and can't read. :-P **

    I would also think about increasing your protein intake. MFP's recommendations are pretty low for protein, and high on carbs. For myself, I've found that I function best when I have my carbs/protein/fat percentages at around 40/30/30. Protein is muscle food, and muscle is what burns fat.

    On that note, I see that you like cardio. Cardio is awesome, especially running. But it would be good to incorporate a little more strength training. I see that you do some calisthenics once in a while, and that's good, but try to do at least some light strength training 3 times a week or so. Push-ups, squats, lunges, crunches, reverse crunches, bicep curls with light hand weights, etc. Building the muscle a bit will help burn the fat. You don't have to worry about bulking up or getting too ripped when you're eating at such a calorie deficit, but you will boost your metabolism if you build the muscle a bit.
  • MysizeBarbie24
    MysizeBarbie24 Posts: 17 Member

  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    Your sodium intake is super high. This will cause water retention and "artificial" weight gain. Try to lower it and balance it with potassium.

    I didn't think my sodium was that bad. Outside of the bad travel days... I am usually under the 2500 that MFP sets it to. I do see that my soups are high in sodium. Maybe I should find an alternative to those.
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    have you tried zig zagging your calories?? i know several people that were able to break through their plateaus this way...

    No, I haven't tried this. How does it work?
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    **Edited because I'm dumb and can't read. :-P **

    I would also think about increasing your protein intake. MFP's recommendations are pretty low for protein, and high on carbs. For myself, I've found that I function best when I have my carbs/protein/fat percentages at around 40/30/30. Protein is muscle food, and muscle is what burns fat.

    On that note, I see that you like cardio. Cardio is awesome, especially running. But it would be good to incorporate a little more strength training. I see that you do some calisthenics once in a while, and that's good, but try to do at least some light strength training 3 times a week or so. Push-ups, squats, lunges, crunches, reverse crunches, bicep curls with light hand weights, etc. Building the muscle a bit will help burn the fat. You don't have to worry about bulking up or getting too ripped when you're eating at such a calorie deficit, but you will boost your metabolism if you build the muscle a bit.

    Just changed my ratios to the 40/30/30 and OMG! That's a whole lot less carbs than I am used to and a whole lot more protein!! I also lowered my sodium to 1500. I won't always be able to keep it below that, but I can strive for it and it might push me to keep it at least a little more under control.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    **Edited because I'm dumb and can't read. :-P **

    I would also think about increasing your protein intake. MFP's recommendations are pretty low for protein, and high on carbs. For myself, I've found that I function best when I have my carbs/protein/fat percentages at around 40/30/30. Protein is muscle food, and muscle is what burns fat.

    On that note, I see that you like cardio. Cardio is awesome, especially running. But it would be good to incorporate a little more strength training. I see that you do some calisthenics once in a while, and that's good, but try to do at least some light strength training 3 times a week or so. Push-ups, squats, lunges, crunches, reverse crunches, bicep curls with light hand weights, etc. Building the muscle a bit will help burn the fat. You don't have to worry about bulking up or getting too ripped when you're eating at such a calorie deficit, but you will boost your metabolism if you build the muscle a bit.

    Just changed my ratios to the 40/30/30 and OMG! That's a whole lot less carbs than I am used to and a whole lot more protein!! I also lowered my sodium to 1500. I won't always be able to keep it below that, but I can strive for it and it might push me to keep it at least a little more under control.

    Yeah, when I first changed my percentages I was AMAZED at how much protein I wasn't eating. I really feel so much better when I meet that higher protein goal though. I hope it helps!
  • I agree with quite a few things I've seen. I lack a little in the fruits and veggies department myself but I make up for it where I can with V-8 Low Sodium. Since I get fiber from plenty of other places it's not a big deal if I'm not getting it from the veggies. Here is my 2 cents:

    I had a similar problem with exercising like crazy and not dropping a pound. When I started MFP, my friend looked at my diary and said "you're not getting anywhere near enough protein". I don't think you are either. I would shoot for a minimum of 25 g per meal (75 grams per day). It helps you feel fuller and fuels your muscles.

    I would also try increasing your calories by 100-200 as someone else suggested. With the exercise you're doing, 1500 may not be enough and your body may still be trying to hoard. I increased my protein and my calories and finally dropped 2 lbs in the past 4 weeks.

    I also agree with adding the strength training 2-3 times per week but only if you're going to increase that protein intake and get it more consistent!!

    The last thing I see in your diary is a lot of refined carbs. Try some beans, whole grain pastas, chick peas etc, instead of muffin mixes and white pasta. You might be surprised to find it helps and that you feel better and less sluggish after eating. Even if you don't think you feel sluggish now.

    Most importantly....don't give up!!! I didn't and I'm finally moving....slowly but surely.
  • kylee_marie
    kylee_marie Posts: 299 Member
    have you tried zig zagging your calories?? i know several people that were able to break through their plateaus this way...

    No, I haven't tried this. How does it work?

    these are way more informative than i could ever pretend to be ! good luck :P


  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    I agree with quite a few things I've seen. I lack a little in the fruits and veggies department myself but I make up for it where I can with V-8 Low Sodium. Since I get fiber from plenty of other places it's not a big deal if I'm not getting it from the veggies. Here is my 2 cents:

    I had a similar problem with exercising like crazy and not dropping a pound. When I started MFP, my friend looked at my diary and said "you're not getting anywhere near enough protein". I don't think you are either. I would shoot for a minimum of 25 g per meal (75 grams per day). It helps you feel fuller and fuels your muscles.

    I would also try increasing your calories by 100-200 as someone else suggested. With the exercise you're doing, 1500 may not be enough and your body may still be trying to hoard. I increased my protein and my calories and finally dropped 2 lbs in the past 4 weeks.

    I also agree with adding the strength training 2-3 times per week but only if you're going to increase that protein intake and get it more consistent!!

    The last thing I see in your diary is a lot of refined carbs. Try some beans, whole grain pastas, chick peas etc, instead of muffin mixes and white pasta. You might be surprised to find it helps and that you feel better and less sluggish after eating. Even if you don't think you feel sluggish now.

    Most importantly....don't give up!!! I didn't and I'm finally moving....slowly but surely.

    Thanks for the suggestions. I am definitely going to try more protein and adding some regular strength training.

    When it comes to the muffin mix and white pasta, though... my family refuses to eat whole wheat pastas (I actually prefer them), so it's hard for me to avoid them. I may start making my own pasta and rice, though, so that I can have the whole wheat pasta and brown rice instead of the white ones. And my daughter LOVES to bake, and always wants me to try her treats, so I give in and have a brownie or piece of cake or pie occassionally... it's not a regular thing, really. The chocolate at work is a regular thing... but not the sweets at home. lol :)
  • If you're making sauces and stuff that are separate from the pasta then you could make a small amount of the whole grain just for you. I had the same problem but started slow with things like Barilla Plus and sneaking 50% turkey meat in the taco meat!!! Also, check out Quinoa as it mixes well with lots of different stuff and is both a complex carb and a protein. As far as the treats....I can't help you there...my daughter likes to make brownies too. :( I have one and then leave them alone.

    Oh and I have an evil snack box at work too and I keep Dove Dark Chocolate Promises and a few other healthier snacks like almonds and stuff that help keep me out of the evil box. 2 dark chocolate promises are 84 calories and they keep me at my desk!!
  • 2fabulous2Bunfit
    2fabulous2Bunfit Posts: 47 Member
    I agree, I dont think you are eating enough veggies and fruits and your calorie intake is backwads. You should shoot for all meals to be around 300 calories. Think of it this way, when have a steady intake of calories, your body becomes dependant on those 300 or so calories and is able to get rid of the fat. When you flucuate, it confuses your body and your body then doesn't know what the next meal will be or when, and it stores fat.

    Some ideas... eating protein and veggies for dinner, and cut as many carbs as possible after afternoon snack. If your in a rush in the am- eat microwaveable oatmeal. I cook mine, then put in a disposible cup and eat on the way to work. You will want to eat the bulk of your carbs/sugars when you are active (during the day) so your body can process them quicker. If you are eating too many carbs/sugars at night and going to work on the computer or go to bed, it's not helping.

    Good luck!!
  • dreanance
    dreanance Posts: 246
    I bet if you start with a solid breakfast you could eventually break out of the evening snack attack, hunger habit.