I'm on day three!

Hi everyone! I'm Lacey and I'm on my third day. I'm getting used to things and learning how many calories are in everything. I finally filled out my profile and added some pics for progess tracking. Wow this site is so motivational! I'm so excited to start my journey and get my body back. I'm looking forward to joining some challenges and making new friends, so feel free to add me!

I'm 5'7" and my highest weight ever was 236. That was 2 years ago. I started eating healthier and moving more and I lost 40 pounds in a year. For the past year I have maintained that weight loss but in the past 2 months I have put on about 10 pounds. It scared me so bad! I never want to go back to where I was. So here I am! My ultimate goal is to get to 150, and around a size 8, but that may change once I get there. My first "mini goal" is to get to 185. I haven't been in the 180's since I was 21!

I was also recently diagnosed with a low thyroid and take 50 mcg of Synthroid a day. I also have PCOS.. wheee! I'm determined to lose this weight even though I have these disorders. I hope to one day be off all meds. I'm too young for all this crap! :)

Oh, I love to laugh and have a pretty silly/sarcastic sense of humor, it helps me get by. :)


  • Hi!! Welcome to MFP. You will find lots of support and motivation here. The challenges are fun too :P

    Good luck on your journey!! :D
  • KTalada
    KTalada Posts: 47
    Welcome Lacey! I'm 5'8" and also have an ending goal weight of 150. I also have had thyroid surgery & have low thyroid w/ supplemental meds. Since April 1st I have lost 38 lbs so far (my ticker shows 36 since I didn't know about MFP for the first few weeks of my journey). MFP is an AWESOME site that keeps me motivated & lets me know that it's OK to slip-up or have a bad day once in a while as long as I get right back on track & KEEP TRYING!

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like--LOVE having friends on this weight loss/healthy lifestyle journey! Best wishes to you!
  • bklyngirl71
    bklyngirl71 Posts: 381 Member
    welcome and good luck!!! u could do it. take it one day at a time
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Best of luck to you.
  • clisdelmarie
    clisdelmarie Posts: 3 Member
    add me up! good luck!