gym sins!



  • rhiannonchallans
    OK, people don't think women should wear make-up to the gym, but I go right after work....I have make-up. I agree, no reason to put it on just to go to the gym, but I do have it on when I starte working's gone by the end of the workout and all over my towel instead.

    Amen to that.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I hate it when certain females get to the aerobics/group ex. room 30 minutes early for a class simply so they can claim "their spot" on the floor. And then they get all pissy when the class turns out to be fairly large and they, oh no, have to scoot over to make room for others. I like to get reeeeally close to these people during Turbo Kick, for example, so they can smell the dirt on the bottom of my shoes during side kicks and eventually slide over to make room. As long as you are working out, WTF difference does it make where you start out standing on the floor???

    I also hate it when certain people finish one set on a machine, and then just sit there on the machine until it is time to do their next set while it is obvious that there are other people wanting to use it. Can't you rest while standing and allow someone else to do a set and take turns?

    And there always seems to be a group of immature males who poke fun at others who aren't as fit. I've heard them talking before... "they're only lifting 20 pounds" or "why is that fatty even bothering to use a treadmill when he looks like he's going to fall over" and much much worse. But yet those immature males aren't even sweating or working out! They do like 1 horribly heavy set of something to show off, then nothing else, just to make it look like they are really strong when in reality they are doing the exercise with bad form or whatever...

    And the butt sweat has got to go, lol.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    1. Girls that won't remove their headphones and chat with me.

    2. People that get all "annoyed" just cuz I didn't restack my weights or wipe my sweaty butt print off the bench.

    3. Gals that go running to the Management everytime you pay them a little flirtatious compliment. Would it be so hard to just say thank you when I comment on your obvious success in reshaping your fine body?
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    I hate it when people turn up to the spin class 10 minutes early and set up their bike and just sit there.

    some sit there and chat

    some sit there and stare at the front of the room

    seriously, if you've got 10 minutes spare, just start moving your damn legs idiot!!!

    if i get there 3 minutes early, my heart rate is up into the 140's by the time the warm up starts, may as well burn a few more calories while i'm just waiting huh?
  • kaytedawg05
    1. Girls that won't remove their headphones and chat with me.

    2. People that get all "annoyed" just cuz I didn't restack my weights or wipe my sweaty butt print off the bench.

    3. Gals that go running to the Management everytime you pay them a little flirtatious compliment. Would it be so hard to just say thank you when I comment on your obvious success in reshaping your fine body?
