fat burners?



  • catecn
    catecn Posts: 84
    talk to your doctor :) they can sometimes prescribe stuff, plus they will know about anything that can effect ur other meds :)
  • dragonbug300
    dragonbug300 Posts: 760 Member
    Woah there. Nobody kill me, but here's the skinny on fat burner/weight loss pills.
    The more serious ones can be dangerous to a small percentage of the population. It's kind of like aspartame... artificial sweetener, neurotoxin, potentially fatal in the long-run but people drink it every day and have few adverse effects.

    Then there are the low-impact supplements that aren't that dangerous but not proven effective... they usually have some moderate dosages of caffeine and things like cayenne pepper and fruit extracts.

    Generally these are all regarded as scams. At the same time, they're regarded as scams by people who have never even tried the products (or followed the directions exactly), so while I'm skeptical of the products I am equally skeptical of those who put them down simply because they're basing it all on heresay.

    There are herbal supplements that can aid in your journey, which don't have negative side-effects.
    - Fish oil
    omega-3 fatty acids can improve mood and decrease cravings for fatty foods and candies.
    - 5-HTP
    This boosts mood and reduces hunger, lowering the risk for emotional eating.
    - Hoodia
    Studies show a correlation between Hoodia and a suppression of appetite, resulting in fat loss.
    - Caffeine
    Also backed by studies. Increases metabolism and increases energy so that you can push harder during workouts and be more active (or even jittery) throughout the day. Of course, it is a drug.
    +Green tea, oolong tea, black tea, and white tea have lower doses of caffeine as well as antioxidants that some believe to assist in healthy weight loss.
  • demonNIИ
    demonNIИ Posts: 187
    Don't take them!!! NONE!! I took them when I started... took them only for about 1-2 months... BP shot through the roof... still not back to normal completely but much better now. Really scarred me. was like 180/100 and dizzy for 3 days. Just go au naturale and take nothing. I do take the women's one a day vitamin that has caffeine in it but nothing too extreme.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Muscle is the best fat burner. Period. Build up those muscles through strength training- you don't even have to lift weights. You could do Pilates or a more intense yoga class.
  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member
    I consider diet pills, fat burners, and other tricks to be the black market of weight loss. You don't go to the black market and expect things to be 100% safe and awesome all of the time. But if you're willing to be risky, then sometimes you find something that isn't half bad.

    Yes, consult your doctor. That alone doesn't really assure that he won't tell you to go do something risky. There are people here who are on the HCG diet apparently under their doctor's guidance/permission/whatever. Doctor's don't always make the best decisions. Because you are on medication, it's probably a good idea to at least make sure that you aren't going to take something that will mess up your meds.

    That being said, I hear good things about OxyElite Pro. I've got a personal trainer/body builder friend who recommended it to me when I told him my plan to get down to 18-20% BF. I can't give you any personal reviews on it, as I have yet to buy it. I plan to, though.
  • Teemo
    Teemo Posts: 338
    There's no "safe" fatburner but you can try to find one that has the fewest concentration of potentially dangerous ingredients.

    OxyElite Pro, for example, contains 1,3 Dim and the jury is still out on whether that is safe for you or not, especially when abused. The safest fatburners are going to be comprised primarily of caffeine, pepper extract, etc., but if that's all you're getting for your money you might as well save $40 and just drink a cup of green tea before your workout.