The Stupidest Question in the World



  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    If you're at high altitude you'll have to boil a minute or two longer.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    put eggs in a pot

    cover with cold water

    bring to boil

    put cover on pot

    pull off heat and sit for 20 mins

    take out of hot water and put eggs in a ice bath. (the ice bath will keep that strange green ring from forming.... learned that from my restaurant days)

    Even if you forget the eggs are on the stove they won't over cook because they are not on the heat. I have forgotten them for over an hour once and they weren't rubbery or tough at all.

    Yeah, this is what I do, but for the high elevation I let it boil for 3 minutes before pulling it off the heat.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I have always heard put salt in the water to make it easier to peel. I have forget it a couple times and it was a mess to peel. Not sure how or why it works but it does!

    Old, about to expire eggs are the best for peeling! Seriously.
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    Put a tad of butter in the water and the shell will peel right off.

    I like mine boiled hard!!!! Twenty minutes!!!
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    20 minutes? what kind of eggs do you guys use in america?

    i have chooks, and i live in australia, i boil mine for 5-7 minutes for hard, and boil for 4-5 mintues for runny.

    if i'm using them later, i let them sit in the hot water for a while, but not if i'm eating them straight away (like for breakfast).

    agreed, you dont' want freshly laid eggs if you want to peel the eggs, if they are freshly laid, you have to cut them in half, and scoop out the middle with a spoon or your white sticks to the shell, it's messy and annoying to peel when they are fresh.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Restaurant trick for peeling hard boiled eggs, put 'em back in the pan, lid on. Shake vigorously. The shaking will cause them to rattle against each other and the sides of the pan. The shells will end up with a bunch of little cracks and should come right off.
  • jfinnivan
    jfinnivan Posts: 360 Member
    A good way to remove the shell on really fresh eggs is to roll the egg on a hard surface while pushing down hard enough to break the shell as it rolls. It will fracture the shell into small pieces, which can then be peeled off.
  • 46and2
    46and2 Posts: 167
    Have significant other do it. If significant other is not available, switch to cheese.

    This works.
  • whitejessamine
    Also, if you add a little baking soda to the water, it helps prevent the eggs from sticking to the shell when you peel them. This works better than salt.

    And it's not the stupidest question in the world. That's when I told my ex-husband (back when he was still my boyfriend) that my sister was pregnant, and he said, "How did that happen?" Umm...the same way it did when I got pregnant, I'm assuming...
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    I couldnt peel an egg to save my life , but I do know that the older the egg is the better the shell comes off.........Good luck, I put the eggs in water , bring to a boil, then trun off and let stay in for 5 mins, then peel under cool water.........and Im not chef for sure, but I can do it this way