No eating past 6pm?



  • ApproachingDusk
    I pay attention to what I eat later at night, but I dont deny myself if I'm really hungry and not just bored hungry. I will stay away from things with sugar or sweets just because I'm so sensetive to sugar that I wont fall asleep if I have it before bed.

    Sometimes a small bowl of cereal (or granola) will tide me over, or even just a small glass of low fat milk (sometimes with some hershey's syrup in there too)

    I think the real challenge is really figuring out if you are actually really hungry and not just bored/snacky hungry.
  • Chunkabutt83
    i just eat whenever i feel like it as long as im within my calorie allowance, for years they said not to eat past a certain time, but from what people say now, i dont think it really matters
  • mrsdeg1983
    There is no need to stop eating hours before bed. I eat something every night before bed. If i don't i wake up 4am starving and end up snacking on things i shouldn't. There is not harm in eating before you go to sleep. Try to lean toward protein.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,741 Member
    I usually eat my last snack about an hour to 90 minutes before bedtime. If I'm rumbly in my tumbly when I go to bed, I can't sleep. Provided I don't eat too much overall in a 24-hour period, my weight loss and maintenance have been just fine.
  • dave_in_delaware
    dave_in_delaware Posts: 49 Member
    Personally, I eat past 6pm every day, because I only get out of work at 5 or 5:30, 30 minutes to drive home (longer if errands after work), then time to actually cook the dinner... so yeah, I eat after 6pm. Sometimes 7pm. 8pm. 9pm. Whenever I can eat with my wife and her crazy schedule.

    My parents swear by not eating after 8pm, but that's easy for them because they both go to bed around that time. For me, I'm a night owl, and sometimes don't go to bed until 1am. I try not to eat anything right before bed because I used to have GERD so I don't want anything in my tummy that could cause an issue.

    Right now (at midnight), I'm sitting here drinking a big glass of water. The last thing I had was dinner w/ my wife and kids at 8pm.

    Like others have said, it's all about the calories in vs calories out. Calories can't tell time.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I'm eating right now.
  • FaithsVegWorkout
    I eat when I'm hungry.
  • bobbybdoe
    bobbybdoe Posts: 472 Member
    Doesn't matter at all.
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    I just finished a large baked potato, 6 oz of chicken and 2 cups of mixed veggies.
  • lerachase
    I've always heard that it's less about when you stop eating and more about the time between then and when you go to bed. Basically, you burn more calories when you're awake than when you're asleep so if you eat within a certain time before sleeping more of those calories don't get used and go to storage. Now, if what you're eating before bed is an apple...not so bad; low calories, no fat, doesn't take a lot to burn it off. If it's a chocolate bar or heaping pile of pasta, no way will your body use that and hello storage-fat matter where you are on your calorie intake for the day. If that's your normal thing then you won't notice a difference because its status quo. If you stop eating calories you won't burn both before bed and while sleeping you won't loose weight any faster, you just won't be putting more on to burn.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    I've always heard that it's less about when you stop eating and more about the time between then and when you go to bed. Basically, you burn more calories when you're awake than when you're asleep so if you eat within a certain time before sleeping more of those calories don't get used and go to storage. Now, if what you're eating before bed is an apple...not so bad; low calories, no fat, doesn't take a lot to burn it off. If it's a chocolate bar or heaping pile of pasta, no way will your body use that and hello storage-fat matter where you are on your calorie intake for the day. If that's your normal thing then you won't notice a difference because its status quo. If you stop eating calories you won't burn both before bed and while sleeping you won't loose weight any faster, you just won't be putting more on to burn.

    Sorry but you are wrong.
  • karyngrace
    karyngrace Posts: 105 Member
    I work permanent afternoon shift, which means i never finnish work till 11pm most nights, and my jobs very physical. so if i finnished eating at 6pm i'd probably pass out from hunger! hahahaha! i do almost all my eating in the evening and it hasnt once effected my weight loss! I dont think theres much truth behind that "no eating after a certain time" rule, everyone is different and the way they process food is different so i guess it all comes down to what works for you :)
  • pleasepleaseno
    pleasepleaseno Posts: 166 Member
    I have researched this on nutrition sites. They say the reason people make that a rule is because by that hour, many people have already consumed a lot of calories so they shouldn't really eat more. But it doesn't really matter when you eat. Calories are calories :)
  • pleasepleaseno
    pleasepleaseno Posts: 166 Member
    I've always heard that it's less about when you stop eating and more about the time between then and when you go to bed. Basically, you burn more calories when you're awake than when you're asleep so if you eat within a certain time before sleeping more of those calories don't get used and go to storage. Now, if what you're eating before bed is an apple...not so bad; low calories, no fat, doesn't take a lot to burn it off. If it's a chocolate bar or heaping pile of pasta, no way will your body use that and hello storage-fat matter where you are on your calorie intake for the day. If that's your normal thing then you won't notice a difference because its status quo. If you stop eating calories you won't burn both before bed and while sleeping you won't loose weight any faster, you just won't be putting more on to burn.

    Sorry but you are wrong.

    Totally agree. That person above you is WRONG!
  • giaciccone
    giaciccone Posts: 257
    I've always heard that it's less about when you stop eating and more about the time between then and when you go to bed. Basically, you burn more calories when you're awake than when you're asleep so if you eat within a certain time before sleeping more of those calories don't get used and go to storage. Now, if what you're eating before bed is an apple...not so bad; low calories, no fat, doesn't take a lot to burn it off. If it's a chocolate bar or heaping pile of pasta, no way will your body use that and hello storage-fat matter where you are on your calorie intake for the day. If that's your normal thing then you won't notice a difference because its status quo. If you stop eating calories you won't burn both before bed and while sleeping you won't loose weight any faster, you just won't be putting more on to burn.

    Sorry but you are wrong.

    Totally agree. That person above you is WRONG!

    ...Ok, so you guys think she's incorrect. We get it.
    But seriously, do you have to be so brash about it?
    Everyone has an opinion here.
  • akaChuck
    akaChuck Posts: 233 Member
    I make a point not to eat after 7pm just so I'm disciplined and not end up eating over my daily allowance of calories. I talked to a nutritionist a while ago and he says to eat a small snack an hour before bed, either way, I believe it's how you feel..if you're hungry and can't stop the grumbling in your stomach...go ahead and have a snack!
  • akaChuck
    akaChuck Posts: 233 Member
    I've always heard that it's less about when you stop eating and more about the time between then and when you go to bed. Basically, you burn more calories when you're awake than when you're asleep so if you eat within a certain time before sleeping more of those calories don't get used and go to storage. Now, if what you're eating before bed is an apple...not so bad; low calories, no fat, doesn't take a lot to burn it off. If it's a chocolate bar or heaping pile of pasta, no way will your body use that and hello storage-fat matter where you are on your calorie intake for the day. If that's your normal thing then you won't notice a difference because its status quo. If you stop eating calories you won't burn both before bed and while sleeping you won't loose weight any faster, you just won't be putting more on to burn.

    I know quite a few people who believe that theory! To the others who are saying you're wrong...why don't you explain your reasoning? At least she took the time.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Meal timing is completely irrelevant. If you want to eat right before you lie down for bed, no problem. If you want to eat your last meal at 7pm, that is fine too.

    It also doesn't matter if you eat 2-3 meals a day or 6-7 meals a day, nor does it matter to eat every 2-3 hours. As long as you are getting your calorie intake for the day, and hitting your macros then you are fine.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Setting a time to stop eating can be very helpful if you are a late night snacker. But it's still all about calories in and calories out. 6 pm sounds really early but I guess it all depends on your schedule.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I usually don't eat anything after dinner, since by then, I've hit my allowances for calories and carbs for the day. But it's not a hard and fast rule. I've heard conflicting ideas that this approach (not eating after a certain time at night) is best. I suppose whatever works for your body is the best approach. We're all different.