Fitbit or Bodybugg?

Fitbit or Bodybugg - Which is better? I really want to get one of them but not sure which. Help?


  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Neither - Body Media Fit (same thing as body bugg but better and cheaper)
  • jbretz
    jbretz Posts: 43
    I've been considering the Fitbit myself. I'm going to read some reviews.
  • I have a Bodymedia/Bodybugg and have a friend who has one and we both love it. I've heard mixed things about fitbit.
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    I have a fitbit and I love it. I clip it to my bra (it's small) and go about my day. It also measures sleep patterns. There is no subscription and no fees like a Bodybugg, which is why I bought it. Well that, and the bodybugg is huge compared to a fitbit.

    Here's a good comparison:
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    FitBit measures motion... that's it.

    BodyBugg or BodyMediaFit... no subscription necessary (PM for info). Measures motion, heat flux, skin temp, and galvanic skin response (skin conductivity due to sweat).
  • rankailie
    rankailie Posts: 144
    I have a fitbit and I love it. I clip it to my bra (it's small) and go about my day. It also measures sleep patterns. There is no subscription and no fees like a Bodybugg, which is why I bought it. Well that, and the bodybugg is huge compared to a fitbit.

    Here's a good comparison:

    I have a fitbit for the same reasons. I don't need it to be 100% accurate I just need to get an idea of my activity level each day based on past days. To many things about the bodybugg are inconvenient:

    - Subscription fee and more expensive in general
    - Doesn't connect wirelessly to the base to upload data (unless you pay like $50 more)
    - Bulky and not as easy to conceal

    Really it comes down to personal preferences and what you need.
  • smj34
    smj34 Posts: 3 Member
    I have a Bodybugg. I like the extra sensing (skin temp, etc). However, agree with all the mentioned negatives and don't wear it consistently because it is big.

    I'm considering switching to the Fitbit now that my subscription is expiring.

    One thing to note: Neither device is intended to get wet. Most of my workouts are in the pool so manual entering of data is required.