Doctor Visit - NSV

My first post and first NSV. Been a lurker for a couple months now and enjoy reading the success stories. Having good success with MFP on weight loss, but so far nothing earth shattering to post about...until yesterday. Think it is time to get a little more active in the MFP community and hopefully encourage others in the process.

Had a non-weight related Dr. visit yesterday morning. Nurse came in the room and took my vitals and particulars. She takes the blood pressure cuff off my arm and announces, "133 over 82". Then....nothing. Only thing I hear after that is the pen scribbling on my chart. What? Wait? Where are the dire warnings about how high my BP is and the cautions that I need to take action to lower it? No grimace or shock on her face as she removes the cuff? Well, how about that! So, this is what is feels like to eek down into the Normal (ish) range for BP. I can get used to this. I guess all the walking (and sweating) I've been doing this summer is not just paying off at the scale. Almost 3 years and 93 lbs ago at my highest weight, my BP was in the 155/105 range.

As BB King says "I've still got a long way to go (and many many miles to travel)", but I am ecstatic that I've had improvement with my high blood pressure situation. Encourages me to keep working hard to get healthy again.


  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    Congratulations, but it is a little funny that the NSV is someone saying *nothing*. Great progress and keep it coming!!!

  • WiiFitFan
    WiiFitFan Posts: 156 Member
    That is a great non-scale victory! You are seeing how important regular exercise is to your health. Congratulations on your progress so far and keep up the good work! You are inspiring others. Thanks for sharing.
  • kandrews24
    kandrews24 Posts: 610 Member
    That's really really cool. So happy for you and proud of you. My BP has come down as well. I was border line, but didn't like the trend. I had no idea my BP would drop so soon (after about 10% weight loss) and healthy eating. Doesn't it feel GOOD!
  • Sherry1979
    Sherry1979 Posts: 457
    That is awesome!!! Even better than the number on the scale going down because our health is what this is really all about! Way to go!!!
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,051 Member
    Amazing NSV!!!! I'm trying to avoid diabetes and blood pressure issues, both of which run (DEEP) in both sides of my family... great to see that you're reaping the rewards already!

    Congrats on the 93lbs already lost, good luck for whatevers' left!!!
  • FaithsVegWorkout
    That's awesome, and also congrats on coming out of lurking status.
  • Tabby1980
    Tabby1980 Posts: 75 Member
    Well done! Looks like you're doing a great job so far :) The support on here is incredible, I initially signed up withthe ipad app just to use the calorie counting tools but I now think that the forums and friend networks are worth more than all the facts put together! All the best with your weight loss and NSVs in the future x
  • JoanWill
    JoanWill Posts: 217
    That is really good. That is something I am looking forward to myself.

    I have a doctor who checks my cholesterol every 6 months because we have history of high cholesterol in the family and believe it or not, he is one reason I am doing this. He cares and when he sees an improvement in my numbers. he cheers me on. In a very honest and caring way. Love them.

    And to you KUDOS! Keep going.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    great to see your hard work paying off in better health!! keep it up!
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    That is FANTASTIC! Keep up the good work!
  • ma66ie72
    ma66ie72 Posts: 75 Member
  • Nana_Anne
    Nana_Anne Posts: 179 Member
    Now this is what I call .becoming into a new healthy lifestyle! You just added years to your life! Awesome :)
  • gpbaldwin03
    gpbaldwin03 Posts: 44 Member
    Thanks everyone for all the kind words and the welcome.
  • Spedden
    Spedden Posts: 207
    Fantastic! I've been working toward a normal blood pressure as well, and it's fun to actually WANT the doctor to take your blood pressure to see your progress! Hope to see more posts about your NSV's in the future!
  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 765 Member
    Well done, that's a great achievement, and well done on 27lb lost also, that's a small toddler - what a difference!
  • mp09aap
    mp09aap Posts: 18 Member
    What I’ve found that really helps me is that i don’t buy any sweets or cakes ect. there fore if they aren’t in the house i wont be as tempted by them. i also try not to have cheese in most of the time. it really works. just keep with it.

    Another thing that work it walking a bit more. like to the shops instead of drive.

    Another thing as don’t be disheartened if you don’t loose weight one week. By just drinking a pint that’s a lb in weight on the scales. Most people fluctuate by as much as 5 lbs over the day.

    Just keep with it. Its worth it in the end
  • hhan
    hhan Posts: 74
    Had a non-weight related Dr. visit yesterday morning. Nurse came in the room and took my vitals and particulars. She takes the blood pressure cuff off my arm and announces, "133 over 82". Then....nothing. Only thing I hear after that is the pen scribbling on my chart. What? Wait? Where are the dire warnings about how high my BP is and the cautions that I need to take action to lower it? No grimace or shock on her face as she removes the cuff? Well, how about that! So, this is what is feels like to eek down into the Normal (ish) range for BP. I can get used to this.

    Excellent job. I've been there as well.

    Even better though for me was was a trip to the blood bank about 3 months ago and the person taking my blood pressure had to remove the large cuff and put the normal size one on. Before that it was usually the other way around. That day I couldn't wipe the smile off my face all day long. Keep up the great work and you'll soon find out what I'm talking about.
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