Question about carb counting

Hi I am sort of confused about carb totals as tracked on myfitnesspal. I'm on a Keto diet and this is crucial information!

When I enter my totals into myfitnesspal, do my carb counts already have fiber subtracted from them, or am I supposed to subtract it myself?

For example, according to my goals on myfitnesspal, I am supposed to be eating 1400 cals, 18g carbs, 101g fat, 105g protein in order to maintain the correct 65-30-5 ratio. So, the 18g is my net carbs right? Because when food items are entered into myfitnesspal, fiber is listed separately and ends up counting towards my carb totals for the day, making the 18g not truly my net carb value, rather the total carb value. So should I be subtracting the fiber myself, and assuming I am below my carb allowance for the day?

If there are any other Keto dieters on here to explain this to me I would GREATLY appreciate it!



  • yeabby
    yeabby Posts: 643 Member
    You have to self subtract. If you haven't already changed your percentages you may consider doing it. MFP has protein set very low and carbs set quite high. Many people change the setting to 40% carb, 30% protein and 30% fat.
  • wylee113
    wylee113 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you, I do have my percentages already set to 5% carbs 65% fat 30% protein (keto is high fat very low carb). This is why I was surprised when it said 18g carbs daily, but was still including fiber in that number. I feel like 18g net crabs makes way more sense, so self-substracting is fine and is what I was hoping I am supposed to do.
  • bassettpig
    bassettpig Posts: 79 Member
    You have to self subtract. If you haven't already changed your percentages you may consider doing it. MFP has protein set very low and carbs set quite high. Many people change the setting to 40% carb, 30% protein and 30% fat.

    Seconding this--you can set MFP to show carbs and fiber but must do the math to get NET carbs yourself. I also made the same changes as the above poster, since I am shooting for a LOT more fat and protein and far less carbs than the default setting shows.

    Best wishes!