Time for a Change

I've spent the almost 19 years of my life struggling with my weight and though I tried to lose some weight, I never really got enough motivation built up to actually keep it off. But it's time to push myself that extra mile to get myself into shape and to make myself healthier. So I'm making a personal resolution for my birthday. The best gift I can give myself is a better, healthier version of me and it's time I stop putting off giving myself that gift. The time to change is now and I'm hoping with this community surrounding me and another friend losing the weight with me I can succeed in dropping the pounds, once and for all. It's time to change.

Wish me luck! :)


  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    Good luck my lovely, you will come to see by people's stories here that it can be done
  • Good luck, Girl. I would tell you to add me but I see that you already have. ;-)

    Ready to start this journey?

  • Good luck it's an empowering decision to make. Feel free to add me. Lots of good support on this site x