Hi from Melbourne Australia

Hi Guys

My name is Brent I am in Melbourne and have currently transformed my life over the last 6 months after getting some pretty bad blood test results in late December it was time to get my big butt into gear as the doctor said it shouldn't be that level for your age.

I was told I could have a heart attack as my cholesterol was pretty high 6.5 all from eating junk food anyway I got my blood tests checked again in June and Cholesterol and it was down to 4.8 no medication just hard working and eating right it just shows how important exercise and eating correctly is in life not only for a good quality of life but to also to make you feel good.

Anyway if you want any more info feel free to ask or you can view my details here http://blog.bodybuilding.com/BrentsBlog/

Looking forward to becoming more active around here

