30 day shred qusetion?

Just wondering what anyone that is doing the Jillian Michael's 30 day shred thinks of it? And what equipment do you need to do it? Worth the money?


  • Kitty412
    Kitty412 Posts: 152
    I love it. You need 2-5 lb weights and a yoga mat for comfort. I think its well worth the money for the dvd's.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
    I don't know if you are a Netflix subscriber, but Netflix has the DVD. I decided to order it and give it a try before I buy it. I've heard a lot of people say they like, but also that Jillian Michaels is very annoying, so I better make sure I can stand her before I commit to 30 days with her. :)
  • navyw1fe
    navyw1fe Posts: 313 Member
    All you need is a mat if workin out on hard surface and 3 or 5lb hand weights. im on day 8 level 1 and its still really tuff to make it thru the entire 20mins w/out stopping for a breather! def. worth the money and i think u can get it from walmart for around $10..after i finish 30ds im moving onto 6week 6pack..
  • ladylu11
    ladylu11 Posts: 631 Member
    it is an amazing workout! you will begin to tone up all over! all you need is hand weights and maybe an exercise mat depending on where you will do the workout. Definitely worth the $10!
  • e1izab3th2
    e1izab3th2 Posts: 148 Member
    Today will be day 9 for me (level 1). All you need is dumb bells and a mat (if you don't have a soft floor). I use 5lbs because that is the smallest I have. I really like it. I am sore all the time but I can tell my arms are becoming stronger and my stomach flatter already! The double bonus is that it is only 27 minutes long!
  • hcn74
    hcn74 Posts: 214
    I liked it. I found a new copy on ebay for $5, so it was worth the money to me. I completed the 30 days, and yes, Jillian does get a little annoying, but you can largely tune her out by the end. And I think there is a menu option where you don't hear her instructions, too.

    Go for it!
  • navyw1fe
    navyw1fe Posts: 313 Member
    I don't know if you are a Netflix subscriber, but Netflix has the DVD. I decided to order it and give it a try before I buy it. I've heard a lot of people say they like, but also that Jillian Michaels is very annoying, so I better make sure I can stand her before I commit to 30 days with her. :)

    I turn the volume down on the tv and crank the music up that i have downloaded to my phone! cant stand her voice either..
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    I love it. You need 2-5 lb weights and a yoga mat for comfort. I think its well worth the money for the dvd's.
    I use 3lb hand weights but agree with the res!!
  • ladylu11
    ladylu11 Posts: 631 Member
    I don't know if you are a Netflix subscriber, but Netflix has the DVD. I decided to order it and give it a try before I buy it. I've heard a lot of people say they like, but also that Jillian Michaels is very annoying, so I better make sure I can stand her before I commit to 30 days with her. :)

    I completely agree that she is annoying! The way to handle that is go through the workout a couple of times to get familiar and from then on, put the TV on mute and turn on the Ipod!!!!! I would have given up if I hadn't!
  • Leslie1221
    I am not currently doing the shred but I have done it and love it. You don't need much. I mat for abs. A towel for sweat and weights are optional. Get ready to get down. Jillian is ruthless but I love her!!
  • chridow
    chridow Posts: 178
    i've done the shred several times. all you need is a mat, towel for all the sweat and hand weights. i'd say get a 3,5, 8 lbs set. i started out doing some exercises with 5lb weights and by the end was able to do them holding the 3 and the 8 TOGETHER! you can get seriously strong during that one month. don't be afraid to pump some iron! happy work out :-)

    oh yeah, jillian does talk A LOT during her work out dvds. i like the results and have gotten to the point where i can tune her out and focus on the burn if need be.
  • tweatherford11
    tweatherford11 Posts: 18 Member
    I haven't started it yet, but bought it on Amazon.com for around $6, so I figure if I hate it, I'm not out much money. Also got some small 3 lb. handweights at Walmart for under $4 each, so for under $15, and from what I hear about 30DS, sounds like it will be well worth what I have spent!
  • phatsoslim
    phatsoslim Posts: 257 Member
    Go for it!!! I did the 30DS in July and now I am doing Ripped in 30. You definitely get results if you stick with it.

    It's tough, but so was looking in the mirror and seeing yourself out of shape and unhealthy...so it is most definitely worth it!
  • VelcroPooh
    VelcroPooh Posts: 152
    Also, if you have a television service that offers "On Demand", I have a free exercise channel. Right now on mine, they are playing level 1 of 30DS. I was going to buy it but decided to try it there first to see if I liked it. I really did like it and I can see where it is probably great to do for 30 days, but I decided not to. I don't have knee trouble, but my knees were really aching afterwards. I was careful to do all the moves the right way to not put bad pressure on the knees, but they still ached. I felt that if I continued doing it, my knees were going to hurt. I love Zumba and it doesn't do that to me so I'm sticking with it for now.

    I really do wish I could have done it as it was a great workout!
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    It's an AWESOME workout...tough, but worth it. Go to YouTube and search "future skinny *****". :) That's my video blog, I started it when I began the 30ds. :)
  • whispiri
    whispiri Posts: 43 Member
    You definitely need at least the three lbs weights and a mat. I started with two-five lbs and found them too heavy. I just love it and. I have moved up to level 2. But I find that even the low impact hard on my knees especially when they go to the plank exercises because I one knee cap that is migrating to the side (hereditary problem). It was advised by my chiropractor to take it easy for a few days so I am resorting to my elliptical for a few days and my resistence bands. I found I had to wear knee supports on both level 1 and level 2 so far. But otherwise, I think I found muscles I never thought I had, LOL! My stomach muscles noticed it first.
  • PrfctGdess
    PrfctGdess Posts: 257
    **Bottom line**
    DYNAMITE workout for under $10 definitely.

    **Difficulty-Fitness Level**
    When I started doing this I was probably still in the upper 190s and I"d say in "OK" shape. Very overweight, obviously (I"m 5'5") but not completely sedentary (I have 3 boys 4 and under and I stay home with them :P). I had to stop for a few seconds several times through the workout at first, but I WAS able to get through it. I see a HUGE difference in my strength and endurance now as I keep doing it.

    I bought 5lb weights and they're a tad heavy for some of the moves. I can survive, but if you're really out of shape, you might consider 2 or 3lb ones. WalMart has them where you can buy them individually for pretty cheap, and you can go feel them. I promise you'll still feel the effectiveness of the 30DS even at 2lb weights :) Make sure you wear good tennis shoes if you have joint issues - it was much harder on my knees until I wore good shoes. You can do it on a carpeted surface and not need a mat, but I personally find it easier on my body if I do it in my basement on the concrete and use a mat. Personal preference though.

    **Doing it every day**
    The first time I started it I made it 6 days in a row and then my knee swelled up and I had to stop for several days. For several weeks, I did it 2-3x a week along with my elliptical on "off" days as a way of working in some strength training. I've now started back up again and I did Level 1 for I think 7 of the first 10 days and I'm now on day 3 of Level 2. I can EASILY tell the difference, and I LOVE what it's doing for my body. Don't get me wrong, I'm SORE, but it's good sore LOL. So I guess my point is you can get it and do it 30 days straight as was intended, but even if you can't/don't want to make it an every day thing, it's still very effective.

    Yes, JM is annoying after awhile. :) But after you have a feel for the routine on each level, you can easily turn her down/off and listen to music or something. I've even been known to start the DVD on my computer with the sound off and start a movie or something on the TV at the same time. <giggle> Makes the workout time go faster,
  • statia152
    statia152 Posts: 558
    Just wondering what anyone that is doing the Jillian Michael's 30 day shred thinks of it? And what equipment do you need to do it? Worth the money?

    You can watch it on your computer with this link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=V04V4SX7

    Just wait 40 secs and click on regular download.
  • kitkat1781
    I'm on day 10 today. I really like it! It's quick and easy to fit into my day, but still feels like a really good workout! I don't burn tons of calories doing it (usually around 200) but I'm already noticing a difference in the definition of my arm and leg muscles. It's a little annoying to hear the same thing (Jillian talking / music) every day, but certainly not enough to make me stop doing the workout.