Coffee, my weakness

I am torn... YES I know that coffee isnt the best thing for me to drink. But.. as a working mom of two... cut me some slack there. Plus I just bought a Keurig... so I can't kick the habit without my husband being pissed lol

What i do want, is suggestions on better flavored coffee. I have the Gloria Jeans mudslide coffee.. and then I usualyl have 18oz of that with 2oz of a fat free creamer like Coffee Mate or International Delight.. Even if I splurge for Starbucks, i get the skinny vanilla latte.

SUGAR! Its my weakness!!! And I am a bit spoiled and have to have yummy

So help me out here.. I dont really care for the sugar free variety of creamers... I am not a big hot tea person, I do like apple cider. I need something to either cut the sugar and keep the coffee, or an alternative to give me the caffiene I need (YES I need it.. lol stop thinking in your head about how bad it is for me :P)


  • officiallymrswhite
    officiallymrswhite Posts: 423 Member
    as long as it fits into your daily nutritional allowances...I say enjoy all the coffee you want. It is about a lifestyle HAVE to be able to enjoy what you're eating in order for this whole thing to work. I still enjoy the things I love....just make sure it fits in my daily allowances (even ice cream!)
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    We have a Keurig maker at work. I really like the extra bold french roast. I put a tbsp of plain creamer in with two packets of splenda.

    I have thought about quitting coffee. Wondering if it would help my weight loss. But I just can't do it. I just love drinking it. It's really my only treat. I've gone days without it, so I'm not concerned that I'm addicted, at least not to the caffeine. I just love drinking it. It comforts me.

    Drink on, my friend!
  • clw_888
    clw_888 Posts: 157 Member
    Coffee isn't bad for's actually one of the antioxidant powerhouses. The sugar and creamers will get you though! I am a huge coffee fan too and had to slowly work my way to black to keep losing weight. I first ditched the sugar and just stuck with creamer and then slowly lightened and lightened my coffee until I could go just black. Good luck! I say don't give up the coffee...lots of studies are coming out showing just how good it is for you!
  • NKF92879
    NKF92879 Posts: 601 Member
    as long as it fits into your daily nutritional allowances...I say enjoy all the coffee you want. It is about a lifestyle HAVE to be able to enjoy what you're eating in order for this whole thing to work. I still enjoy the things I love....just make sure it fits in my daily allowances (even ice cream!)

    VERY well stated!!!
  • mon_cherie
    Make your own creamer.

    Or slowly cut back on the flavored creamer and had skim milk (like 1.5T of creamer and .5T milk at first and then 1/1 if you want.) That would help with the sugar.

    But really, 2T of creamer a day isn't that bad. Just fit it in.
  • 1546mel
    1546mel Posts: 191
    I have personally found that if i have sugar in the day, i constantly crave sugar all day. So I do my best to stay away from sugar in itself. I have been drinking the fat-free coffeemate for 6 months now and sometimes the International Delight ones also, both French Vanilla flavored, and although the calories may be a bit high, i get my coffee fix without the fat at least. I refuse to give up my coffee for the same reasons! I have a yogurt to go with it, offset the calories with the creamer with fruit or popcorn with lunch and 40 pounds later, it seems to be working ;)
  • I_GoT_ThIs
    I_GoT_ThIs Posts: 170 Member
    You can take my chocolate, you can take my ice cream, you can take my chips... but I will straight up knock someone out if they try to take my coffee!! There is nooo way I am giving up my coffee. If you feel like that, then just make it fit in. Cut back calories from dinner to make up for your coffee<sugar> ;)
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    as long as it fits into your daily nutritional allowances...I say enjoy all the coffee you want. It is about a lifestyle HAVE to be able to enjoy what you're eating in order for this whole thing to work. I still enjoy the things I love....just make sure it fits in my daily allowances (even ice cream!)

    I agree. There is no way I'm giving up coffee right now. I love my coffee!
  • simkat
    simkat Posts: 72
    Coffee's my strength! I can't do without and just work what I prefer into my daily limits. I make an iced coffee each morning w/ real Half & Half and that's where I start for the day. Some reviews are bad, but there are also recent surveys that coffee can actually be good for you.

    Wish I could help w/ the sweet part of your problem. I detest sweeteners in my coffee, iced or otherwise. Give it to me cold and bitter. Mmmmmmmm!!!!!!
  • p0pr0cksnc0ke
    p0pr0cksnc0ke Posts: 1,283 Member
    I havent been able to drink it black.. but I do like the suggestion to keep pushing it back a little on what I intake creamer wise until I get the taste for black coffee..That would be great! The Keurig makes tea and cider k cups, so maybe I can become a tea drinker! we will see.

    Are there any flavored creamers that are sugar free but dont taste all ... artifical I guess is the best to describe it.
  • Fochizzy
    Fochizzy Posts: 505 Member
    I drink coffee every morning. Good diaretic (sorry tmi), good cafienne. I am sticking too it! I also only put skim milk in mine. But seriously it's not that many calories I would not stress it.
  • Rhea81
    Rhea81 Posts: 38 Member
    If coffee is your only weakness, you are in good shape. Coffee is not bad for you.... as long as it is NOT the overly sugary types from Starbucks. Use Splenda instead of sugar (you really can't tell a significat difference). You cannot totally deprive yourself of the things you enjoy or you will just binge later. It's simply a mater of moderation.

    Enjoy your coffee!! :-)
  • jlc1243
    jlc1243 Posts: 287 Member
    I use a tbsp of lite Hershey's chocolate syrup (about 20-30 calories) and skim milk and if you like it a little sweeter try either a tsp of splenda or my new fav Ideal No calorie sweetener (hard to find by try It works great and seems indulgent. Works great for ice coffee too!
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    I have NEVER cut Coffee out of my lifestlye,that would be like cutting off one of my limbs! We have Keurig too! I like the Island Coconut K cup with fat free half and half and a dash of splenda.

    To be quite honest, after being here almost 5 months most "sweet" things I've lost a taste for. Except for those darn skinny cow products, but thats a whole nother thread!!

    Keep the coffee, just tweek what you put in it...
  • cris1582
    Like clw stated. There is nothing wrong with the coffee. It's all the stuff you put in it. Try substituting some of the stuff you put in it or if you don't try going with things that are the least processed. I'm a tea drinker and I know that sugar is bad so I go with a mix of honey and splenda (honey if off the charts with carbs and calories). Try some replacements or adding less creamers, etc to the coffee. That should help.
  • lallaloolly
    lallaloolly Posts: 228 Member
    i love coffee, too, but i did give up caffeine this year, and now drink decaf. it's been about 7 months since i had caffeine, and lately i find myself skipping that second cup (or even skipping it altogether) in the mornings without even thinking about it. i think i am finally ready to switch to hot tea in the morning instead of coffee.

    oh! and in case you didn't know, you can get lots of green tea and black tea k-cups (and decaf) for the kuerig (as well as hot chocolate, etc.). go online, there are tons of choices!
  • abbie017
    abbie017 Posts: 410
    I have a cup of coffee every day, and started using cinnamon in place of creamer. It takes a little bitterness off without adding a bunch of extra calories!
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    I use unsweetened vanilla almond milk instead of creamers. I think it's creamier than skim milk, and fewer calories (only 40 cal. in an entire 8 oz.). I like my coffee sweet, so I usually also add some stevia or sugar-free flavored syrup (made with Splenda).
  • andyloosbrock
    andyloosbrock Posts: 175 Member
    My only IDEA, is to learn to like your coffee black (no cream, no sugar, no flavoring - just plain).

    I drink alot, and it is only 2.5 cals/8 oz.
  • GalaxyDuck
    GalaxyDuck Posts: 406 Member
    I also love coffee and I've pretty much done the same that clw_888 did. I slowly (SLOWLY) weened myself off adding the sugar in my coffee. I started by only adding 1 packet of sugar instead of two, and did that for like, a month. Now that I'm drinking it without the sugar, I found that I love coffee EVEN MORE because I can now appreciate the taste of the coffee.

    I used French Vanilla roast as I was weening myself off sugar, the little bit of flavor helped it not be such a big deal. Now if I were to have a coffee with 2 sugars and some cream (I use skim milk now or nothing at all) I would find it way too sweet!

    Keep drinking your coffee, as long as you have the cals for it, have it however you choose! It wasn't until I decided I wanted to cut back on my sugar intake and really work at getting a flat stomach that I decided to go to black coffee.