some ideas

danipher Posts: 24
edited October 1 in Food and Nutrition
if you are a working from 8 to 5 monday through friday. You seem to be on the go all the time... What is your grocery list like? what do you eat in the morning (on the go) What are your lunches like at work/school?


  • Sj20fame
    Sj20fame Posts: 205 Member
    Hey sounds like my schedule! =D I work from 8-5, and back to school in two weeks! Morning's I wake up at 6:30 a.m. I eat Special K cereal with strawberry's(1 cup) and (1/2 cup of Silk-Unsweetened almond milk), I bring special K bar's(90 calories) with me to work. I add that to my grocery list along with other healthy snacks from archer farms, or I stick to my special K bars cause their yummy and I have my Green Teas at work, yumm! for lunch I eat salads that I bring from home, or sometimes that I buy from Target....My grocery list consists of Fruit, salad bags, lunch meat, bread, lots of eggs, vetables like Asparagus, broccolli, corn, green beans, ummm lots of chicken...beans....water, milks and juices......If I bring sandwhiches to work, I don't eat mayo, I try to stay away from it! so I put other stuff like Mustard....This will be my first school semester while being on MFP, so we'll see how that goes, but I am going to continue to pack my lunches for school! I'm ready!
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I work 8-5 if I am not traveling for work, and I attend Pilates class 2x week after work making my days a bit longer. Feel free to look through my diary and see what I eat. It is all laid out there, for better or worse!
  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member
    I work 7-4 Monday thru Friday and I work out when I get off work for an hour or longer. I take fat free cottage cheese and Doles fruit cups in natural juices for breakfast. For lunch I eat lean cuisine and a string cheese. I just started the string cheese, I was eating a fruit cup with my lunch but I kept going over my sugars. :( Then for supper we usually have grilled chicken, grilled fish, salads, speghetti with whole wheat pasta and the 93/7 hamb meat (I try to eat red meat only every two weeks or so) veggies. You can also look at my diary its open. Hope it helps!
  • cincs58
    cincs58 Posts: 1

    I make out a healthy meal plan and purchase the items needed. I double the recipe and freeze the leftovers which makes lunch or dinner a no brainer. I also will prepare homemade soups and freeze individual serving sizes. I have found heathlful snack recipes and seal them in artight containers. If you take one week night or 1 day on the weekend to start preparing several meals in advance your "what can I grab on the go" will become easier. I have several quick and easy food ideas that I make and freeze.

    For breakfast, Monday thru Friday, I have homemade cereal. At some point thru the week I will prepare a whole pound of turkey bacon and eat off of that all week. I also will microwave egg whites or egg substitute, throw in serving size of turkey bacon and in minutes you have a nutritional breakfast quick and easy.

    Just a few ideas and I hope this helps you with your on the go lifestyle. Good luck... CCS
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