P90X Question?!

My husband and I are about to start P90x but I have been doing Turbo Jam. I was wanting to do P90X with my husband and still do Turbo Jam ... so both videos in one day. Would doing that have a negative effect since P90x has a work out plan your supposed to stick to and i would be changing it up by adding turbo jam? Im just not sure if it will hurt or benefit me to do both different workout videos at the same time.



  • sexyvirgo911
    No you can do a hybrid of Turbo Jam and P90X. Just stick to the scedules.
    FInd me as a beachbody buddy if you like: lmthompson is my screen name, Im currently in my 2nd round of Insanity
  • grimms11208
    grimms11208 Posts: 146 Member
    So I have never done Turbo Jam but I believe it is cardio based(?) anyways if you can do both videos in one day and keep that up more power to you! I did P90X workouts for about 6 months the first 3 months I tried to stick with the workout plan as best I could ( darn life getting in the way :) Anyways, I basically jsut used the videos as my workouts and tried to stick to the schedule as best I could. I think if you do both you might get tired and have to figure something out but if you can do it more power to you!
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member
    I don't think so. I was doing P90X, and there is not a lot of cardio, so the cardio may benefit. I would stick to the Turbo Jam cardio and do the muscle work of P90X.
  • sjkcarter
    sjkcarter Posts: 417 Member
    I would like to know this as well, because i am doing P90X with 30 day Shred.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    My husband and I are about to start P90x but I have been doing Turbo Jam. I was wanting to do P90X with my husband and still do Turbo Jam ... so both videos in one day. Would doing that have a negative effect since P90x has a work out plan your supposed to stick to and i would be changing it up by adding turbo jam? Im just not sure if it will hurt or benefit me to do both different workout videos at the same time.


    I would only suggest that if you are extremely fit, otherwise you can do Turbo jam in place of the cardio workouts with P90X, but I would suggest you do Plyo and maybe replace kempo with Turbo Jam.

    If you do both you will need to eat more, a lot more at least 2000 cal/day to support doing both programs.
  • alexg94
    alexg94 Posts: 44
    And make sure to do Turbo Jam first then do Plyometrics. Cause Plyometrics is a killer!
  • akane1087
    Thank you everyone for your replys they were a lot of help! I am going to try and do both workouts and see how it goes! Got to loose this baby weight and get back to how i was before i had my little girls!