Weighing Intervals & other ?

I was wondering how often everyone weighs themselves. I was doing once a week, but I would like to know if anything is coming off during that week. Im just starting this so I dont know.

A few other off the topic questions:
1. Do you eat your workout calories?
2. Do you have to be at the max allowed calories for the day. Mine is sooooo high at 1900 everyone else's seems to be at like 1200 or so. So that is confusing for me.
3. For workouts, i walk about 2 miles a day but I cant register the length just the time. Since having foot surgery I am slower but it takes more to walk for me. How would you register that?? It is not at the same time, I break up the 2 miles into 1/2 mile at a time.

Thanks guys!!! Im trying so hard and want to loose this extra person I carry around.


  • zml_mom
    zml_mom Posts: 270 Member
    I weigh myself daily as soon as i get up and go to the bathroom in the morning

    I just recently started eating back 300 of my exercise calories because I wasn't loosing and was hungry all the time and it seems to have helped but i very seldom eat all of them back

    you don't have to eat all 1900 plus your exercise calories just try to eat at least 1200 a day

    get a HRM that way you can track the time and calories that you are burning (I have the Polar FT4 and LOVE IT)
  • jupaba
    jupaba Posts: 25
    Some people weigh themselves everyday - if you do this you have to be able to handle the fact that your weight fluctuates and one day you might be down 1.5 pounds and then next up 0.6. I weigh myself once a week, same time, same day, same clothes (my jammies),

    1. Do you eat your workout calories?

    Sometimes yes and sometimes no. I try not to eat them all but some days it allows for that extra flexibility.

    2. Do you have to be at the max allowed calories for the day. Mine is sooooo high at 1900 everyone else's seems to be at like 1200 or so. So that is confusing for me.

    Max calories per day are based on your weight, what your weight loss goals have been set at and how active you are. The heavier you are the more calories you will be allowed and that should gradually decrease as weight is lost. Never compare yourself to others - only to yourself. If your calorie intake is too low your body shuts down its metabolism and you lose slower. Keep yourself in the calorie range for maximum results.

    3. For workouts, i walk about 2 miles a day but I cant register the length just the time. Since having foot surgery I am slower but it takes more to walk for me. How would you register that?? It is not at the same time, I break up the 2 miles into 1/2 mile at a time.

    A pedometer or heart rate monitor would be a good investment. HRMs are not cheap but pedometers are not always accurate. If you know how far you walk and how fast you can calculate length. I don't understand what you mean that you can't measure the length if you say you walk 2 miles - isn't that the length?
  • A pedometer or heart rate monitor would be a good investment. HRMs are not cheap but pedometers are not always accurate. If you know how far you walk and how fast you can calculate length. I don't understand what you mean that you can't measure the length if you say you walk 2 miles - isn't that the length?
    Yeah that was a mis type sorry........I meant since it only registers "time" on here for calories and not distance my "time" is so much higher since im slow and I wish I could register the distance.....does that make sense?
  • Your weight will fluctuate daily...I do weigh everyday, BUT I only track/log it once a week. (The same day every week).

    I do NOT eat back my exercise calories. In order to lose the weight, you have to burn the calories. So if you're maxing out, then exercising just to eat some more or cover your oveage, you're not truly burning as many calories as you think. (you max at 1900, then burn 500 on exercise, then eat 500 more = no calories truly burned. You max at 1900, but exercise to burn off 500 = 1400 calories consumed = weight loss)

    You MUST get your heart rate up for the walking to have much of an effect on it. Diet is only half of the battle. Exercise is the other part. Try visiting a gym for a while just to get ideas from the trainers as to what you can do with your limitations.

    And are you counting your walking as your total steps for the day...as in....a walk into work (5 minutes) a walk to the car after work (5 minutes) a walk to the next office over (2 minutes) I mean while it is steps...true they'll add up....but it's nothing out of the norm of your daily routine that you were doing prior to counting the calories right? Not at all trying to be "debbie downer" but it takes going above and beyond the "normal" routine ya know? <3 ya!
  • Michelle_M2002
    Michelle_M2002 Posts: 301 Member
    I was wondering how often everyone weighs themselves. I was doing once a week, but I would like to know if anything is coming off during that week. Im just starting this so I dont know.

    A few other off the topic questions:
    1. Do you eat your workout calories?
    2. Do you have to be at the max allowed calories for the day. Mine is sooooo high at 1900 everyone else's seems to be at like 1200 or so. So that is confusing for me.
    3. For workouts, i walk about 2 miles a day but I cant register the length just the time. Since having foot surgery I am slower but it takes more to walk for me. How would you register that?? It is not at the same time, I break up the 2 miles into 1/2 mile at a time.

    Thanks guys!!! Im trying so hard and want to loose this extra person I carry around.

    I weigh in twice a week.. On Mondays for my online support group, and Wednesdays at the gym with the personal trainer. I also know that my scale weighs 1 1/2 pounds heavier than the gym scale, and take that into account. The average person does have fluctuations. ESPECIALLY women during "that time of the month."

    1. I have a Bodybugg, it tracks my calorie burn. To loose 2 pounds of fat a week you need to burn 1,000 calories more than you burn. So mine is set at a goal of 2600 burn. So my goal intake is 1600 calories. If I burn more, I get to eat more without worrying. Also, if you're using the cardio machine readouts to determine how many calories you are burning during your workout... that's a mistake. They measure high. The machines were telling me that my workout burn was around 700 calories on average. After I got my Bodybugg, I tracked my workout calories and found that my cardio workout and compared it to the machine readouts for that day... .I found that when the machine said I was burning 700 calories (NOT counting my crunches or plank lifts) my Bodybugg count was actually only 539 calories, INCLUDING my crunches and plank lifts. So..don't rely on the machines to be accurate!

    2. Again, I use my Bodybugg for guidance. My nutrition plan had me eating 2,000 calories a day, and I basically stalled out and couldn't figure out why. Then, I got the Bodybugg and quickly found out that I was eating too many calories for the level I was burning at.

    3. Not sure.

    God bless!
  • NaloMeli
    NaloMeli Posts: 17
    I weigh myself every morning, but only record it every 2-3 days because of the daily changes.

    I just started, so I don't know about eating the exercise calories.

    I am just starting to workout - and do it 3X a week. It varies between stationary bike and swimming.

    Hope this helps!
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    I weight myself once a week for "official" counting purposes and on NROWFIZS Fit Test days (http://nrowfizs.blogspot.com). In actuality, I weigh myself almost every time I go to the bathroom at home (fluctuations don't bother me, they fascinate me).

    1. Absolutely!
    2. It's not MAX calories... it's GOAL calories. Close counts, whether you're above or below. I always aim for "0" remaining calories, usually get within +/- 100. My starting goal is 1600, with exercise calories added on, of course.
    3. I would determine how fast I was walking and log it at that speed.