
I don't understand why this happens. I ate SO well yesterday, got on the scale this morning, and gained almost 1.5 pounds. I seriously am baffled, and feel really defeated. Why does this happen!?


  • randa_behnam
    randa_behnam Posts: 488 Member
    how often are you weighing yourself? dont do it everyday, you should do it once a week at the very most because you could be retaining water, if you exercise your muscles could be swollen, all these things factor into weight loss/gain.

    give it another week of eating healthy and see what the scales say then :o)
  • MarandaPanda86
    Have you gone #2 yet? It could also be water weight. Seriously, it's most likely not fat :) Just keep eating well and exercising and you'll see that number drop back down!
  • TinaS88
    TinaS88 Posts: 817 Member
    It's normal. Could be water. Worst thing you can do is weigh yourself everyday. The scale moves all day depending on what you eat, how much, etc.... Pick one day a week and weigh yourself when you first wake up after you use the bathroom, naked, for the best results.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    You have to realize lots of things can affect your weight, not just what you ate yesterday. Could be your body going through something, could be your sodium intake, could be water retention, might be that your had a good workout causing water retention....

    Don't worry about the scale, that's what causes people to get obsessed and then quit.
  • dakoerber
    dakoerber Posts: 308 Member
    I agree that you should not be weighing yourself everyday. Also, you ate well yesterday but how did you do the day before that and the day before that? One day of eating well will not show you changes if you are not eating great the other days. Its all about consitency. You will see the scale move!
  • giaciccone
    giaciccone Posts: 257
    how often are you weighing yourself? dont do it everyday, you should do it once a week at the very most because you could be retaining water, if you exercise your muscles could be swollen, all these things factor into weight loss/gain.

    give it another week of eating healthy and see what the scales say then :o)
    Yes! Water weight is really cruel.
    I only weigh myself every Monday morning. Not only does it keep me sane because I'm not checking my weight every moment of every day, but it gives me great consistency.
  • Snakey74
    Snakey74 Posts: 276 Member
    It could be a lot of things. Don't get upset, it will come off! :)
    You didn't gain it overnight, remember? It's not gonna come off overnight. Just don't give up!
    I'm willing to bet if you keep up the good work, you will be pleasantly surprised at your next weigh in :)
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    The scale moves all day depending on what you eat, how much, etc.... Pick one day a week and weigh yourself when you first wake up after you use the bathroom, naked, for the best results.

    This is how I weigh in. Also my weight from the first ing in the AM to end of the night could be a 2-3 lb difference depending on my workout, my water intake, etc...
  • birdlover97111
    birdlover97111 Posts: 346 Member
    Check your sodium intake and if it is too high, decrease it....Check your water intake and if it is too low, increase it....
  • AngieMMc
    AngieMMc Posts: 152 Member
    Everyone is right.....don't weigh every single day, it is sure to give you the blues because of constant weight fluctuations. I can tell you this.....but I need to practice it as well bc I weigh every day too =(( Unless you ate like 4,000 calories yesterday, you likely didn't gain 1.5 lbs of "real fat"....most likely it is water retention from female stuff or sodium or being Summer time...who knows, but I am sure if you continue doing everything right like you did yesterday, when you weigh next week you'll find you've lost. Hang in there......
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 871 Member
    Without seeing your diary it is hard to say. You can be fine w/ calories but over in Sodium which will retain water and cause a weight gain (trust me, I don't go near a scale the day after I have Sushi). If you weigh every day it should be a guide only. Your true weigh in on the site should be only once a week.
  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    I do weigh myself every day, but I'm prepared to see the scale move anywhere from 2 - 3 lbs. I don't sweat that because I know the number will come back down the next day. I use the scale as a tool to keep me on track. BUT, you have to accept that the numbers could be different from day to day, depending on water intake, sodium intake, etc. Don't sweat 1 lb!
  • rparisean
    rparisean Posts: 6 Member
    hi, I have been here a week I weigh myself everyday I have found you weigh less after #1 and #2 before you eat and drink. I have lost 6 pounds in 8 days eat well> What did you eat? I eat well everyday so far but it is lots of veggies and fruit No sugar
  • ivy2009
    ivy2009 Posts: 75
    LET IT GO! Many reasons for this. It happens to EVERYONE, and more some women. I retain water twice during my menstral cycle, once in the middle and again at the end and each time it lasts several days. This is literally 3 + extra pounds of water, NOT fat. In fact, I literally look 4 to 5 months pregnant overnight and I am a big exercise person with generally small stomach and good abs. Not much you can do about water retention. Also, maybe you did not yet poop. And maybe you are retaining water due to exercising and muscles holding water after exercise. I do NOT weigh myself every day -- only about once a week and not even that often if I know I am retaining water in my cycle. So just stick to the plan. Eat healthy. Watch portion control. Eliminate creams and fried foods. Burn more calories than you eat. You will lose weight. It is NOT an overnight thing. It is a long term, lifestyle approach. LET IT GO!