Hey ya'll!!!

My husband and I started using MFP about a month ago. It's going great especially for him. He's more dedicated than I have been. We have a two and a half year old and a six month old. Needless to say, we're busy. I need encouragement to keep going. My husband has lost 18 lbs and I've lost almost 10. I'm so ready to do this. I just don't want to fall off and stay off the wagon.


  • rparisean
    rparisean Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, welcome so far this is the easiest program, My husband and I have been here for a week. we both are losing weight of course he is losing twice as much. Friend Me rparisean
  • Photomandy
    Photomandy Posts: 56 Member
    Welcome! And great job so far! Feel free to add me if you'd like! I found having MFP friends that log in daily really helps, because I know they'll bug me if I slack. I'm a mommy of little ones too, btw.
  • Crazyjoe11
    Good luck! Now is always a good time to get in shape, especially as you have 2 little ones to run after! With all that lifting and carrying, the weight should drop off!!
  • PrfctGdess
    PrfctGdess Posts: 257
    I'm a SAHM to 3 boys - 4 yrs, 2 yrs, and just turned 1 yr. :) You CAN lose weight at home with kids, but don't let anyone tell you it's easy!! LOL I try to either workout during nap times or before they get up (but I"m NOT a morning person, so that rarely happens :P). My two older ones LOVE to do the workout DVDs with me, or they'll play in our basement with toys while I run on the elliptical. You can do this!!! Good luck!!
  • pittsblue99
    pittsblue99 Posts: 277 Member
    Welcome to you and your hubby :) This is a fantastic site and the people that you meet are so supportive. Feel free to add me if you are in need of another friend.
  • Jacksonsmomma2211
    Jacksonsmomma2211 Posts: 52 Member
    This site will definitely give you encouragement. I have a 6 month old too and this site is by far the best one I have found. I'm learning not to compare myself to my husband. He has lost 15 lbs in two months and he's not even trying. But the people I have met on this site so far are great to talk to and rely on for support. Good Luck in your journey. You can add me if you want
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    for one, don't compare yourself to your husband! Men lose weight differently than women, and it is discouraging to try to keep up with them :(

    10 pounds in a month is spectacular! Keep up the good work!
  • ritaadkins2002
    ritaadkins2002 Posts: 371 Member
    hello, glad u are here with us at mfp. congradulations on the weight loss!!! i am so proud of u........weight is a battle for me and others.....but we are here for u and i know u can do this........