Public School Teacher/Local Musician

At the end of the school year, I had a nagging sciatic pain that wouldn't go away. I saw a doctor who prescribed the minimum, and a week later I wound up in local emergency and a week after that in a big city emergency where finally the problem started to turn around. But I was on my back for two weeks, with a left leg atrophying, and medically dazed and not hungry. I lost around twenty pounds during that time because I just didn't eat. Then I took a look at what I was eating, did a bunch of research on the internet, and tried to ascertain why I was going through this crippling disability. Now, after three weeks of PT, I'm about 93% and playing gigs again. If I'm at all off my feet, it will not bode well for my classroom. The kids will eat me alive, just like on the Discovery Channel. I've lost close to 30 lbs. I fell off the wagon last night at a fund raiser for a cancer patient who needed some community help. But weight loss, exercise, and more prudent living are the solution according to doctor, therapist, dietician, and my better senses. Anyway, I've moved from around 265 to 230 thereabouts, now. I didn't weigh myself this morning because of last night's fete. Tomorrow again...


  • tn2010
    tn2010 Posts: 228 Member
    Way to go! I'm a teacher and musician, as well, and my classroom has definitely benefited from my weight loss and subsequent rise in energy. I've done a lot of reading about nutrition recently, as well, and highly recommend increasing the quality of the foods you choose to eat. Some of the books I've read are: "Omnivore's Dilemma" and "In Defense of Food both by Michael Pollan, and "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle" by Barbara Kingsolver. In terms of dietary plans that I think follow the above-mentioned books, I've learned a lot from South Beach and the 17-Day Diet and have educated myself enough to be able to follow the guidelines without relying on their meal plans and recipes. Best of luck in your journey!
  • alfonsovisaya
    alfonsovisaya Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks, mate. I'll continue in my pursuit of braining my way through this thing. I've got about maybe six years to go to get my son through high school and then I can look at doing somethinng else, but this sure was a traumatic wake-up call. I lost so many gigs, piano tunings, a seminar for the school, family birthdays, etc. I appreciate the titles. My new Nook Book has sure gotten the use this summer. What are your endorsements?