family who is trying to kill my high spirits

I am so frustrated. I have worked sooooooo hard these past few months to go from size 18 to size 10. I feel good. I think I look good. I took a pic at a park bathroom using their big mirror and it made me look amazing! However, my sister had to bring me down. "you know you don't look that thin in person, right?

Has this ever happened to any of you and if so, how do you deal?


  • gel91
    gel91 Posts: 309
    Jealousy will get her no where!

    Just ignore it, blank her and leave her too it.

    Your better than that you worked hard to loose it all so ignoring her shouldn't be a problem!

    :) wtg btw!
  • SSampley
    SSampley Posts: 153 Member
    Yes I have a little coworker who has lost weight, she has lost 20lbs and I have lost 36...I would like to be her before size! She will eat a candy bar and I say nothing..totally not my buisness but she will say stuff like well I am being bad today, its ok though I didnt have to lose much, or once she asked me how much I lost and I said 36 then she said are you done? I said no I would like to lose 20-25 more and she looked me right in the face and said WOW I cant imagine having to lose that much to look good....Oh well she apparently has issues with herself... still makes me wanna punch her though!!
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Jealousy will get her no where!

    Just ignore it, blank her and leave her too it.

    Your better than that you worked hard to loose it all so ignoring her shouldn't be a problem!

    :) wtg btw!

  • kids183
    kids183 Posts: 204 Member
    I unfortunately deal with this type of thing a lot. Stick to the encouraging people (like those on MFP) and just ignore the negativity. I know it's tough (I have 5 others living in my home - 4 kids and my fiance - those of which eat cookies, pizza etc. in front of me), but when you're low, jump on here and talk to people. Encouragement is always given on MFP. Keep up the great work! You look fantastic!!

    (aka kids183)
  • phatsoslim
    phatsoslim Posts: 257 Member
    Tell her to F... off. Your weight loss is fantastic! You should be very proud of yourself and all that you have done. You do look that thin and you look fabulous! She is just jealous.
  • GladImTall
    GladImTall Posts: 65 Member
    Next time tell her... "Guess what, I can lose the weight... you'll always be an unhappy, ugly person".
  • leynak
    leynak Posts: 963 Member
    How mean! Especially from a sister. Well, I started late June at a 16. I can't WAIT to be a 10! You have done great, don't let it get you down.
  • MrsMaas09
    I think that if someone else says something to you that's negative, then they are not worth listening to! You are doing awesome and this journey is about you and how you feel about yourself and your accomplishments! Can your sister say she accomplished what you did?
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    I get it from time to time and I just ignore it.

    I even ignore it when they say nice things like, "wow you look so much thinner than last time I saw you" when I know for a fact I'm exactly the same weight/size.

    I just believe in myself, am buoyed by random kind words, and filter out everything else :)

    Congrats on your loss ! 37lbs since May 1st? Impressive!
  • asilmegan34
    asilmegan34 Posts: 256 Member
    Keep in mind beauty isn't just on the outside but on the inside too. Sounds like she isn't that pretty inside or she is projecting insecurities onto you to make HERSELF feel better. So I'd chock it down to weakness on her part.
  • bowmanj35
    bowmanj35 Posts: 5 Member
    I am going to take a wild wild guess here and say she wasnt exactly thin herself.... People get jealous when someone else has something they want, and theres nothing more personal than your personal appearance. What you should really do is take it as a compliment, that she views your weight loss something she has not achieved and wanted to discount your success to make her feel better. Just the same as if you had gained 40 pounds, most people would lie and say they couldn't see much of a difference. Weight is something people want to ignore if they have a problem, and if youre losing it, and they know they arent, its a poke in the eye. Good job and keep going, use it as motivation. its not easy to lose weight but some of us have decided to put down the cheetos and get off our butt, some of us havent.
  • BGabbart
    BGabbart Posts: 173 Member
    I have a question How can you not look like that in person? Did you do some kind of touch up work to your photo before she seen it? That is crazy, keep up the great work and God bless your journey.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Jealousy will get her no where!

    Just ignore it, blank her and leave her too it.

    Your better than that you worked hard to loose it all so ignoring her shouldn't be a problem!

    :) wtg btw!


    DITTO!! And congratulations on your weight loss, you look amazing! Job well done. Just curious - does your sister have a weight problem?
  • laurad1406
    laurad1406 Posts: 341
    ha I purposely tilt my mirror in my bedroom back so the bottom is a couple of inches away from the wall because it makes me look skinnier : ) trick mirror or not, it makes me feel like I look good before I leave the house.....and your sister has NO RIGHT to take that feeling away from you!!!! Like someone else said, tell her to F off, sounds like someone's jealous....
  • Mommyof3loves
    That has got to be hard hearing that from your sister...and in your pictures you look amazing! I would just ignore those comments from her. I know it'll be hard but don't let her bring you down. Is she overweight?
  • isabelk
    isabelk Posts: 153 Member
    Obviously you DO look that thin. You are that thin. She's saying, "You know I don't want to see you as this thin, right?" Which is horrid. Why do people say things that make them look bad? I mean she's saying "I feel better about myself when I imagine you as overweight." UGH. Poor her. It's nice of you to hang around her.

    EDITED TO ADD: my skinny sister isn't too thrilled with my weight loss, her response to my weight loss is to feel that she needs to lose more. And she is tiny.
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    Family crap is tough to deal with. Laugh when you can. It's all not very serious anyway (unless we make it very serious). Our families push our buttons like no one else because they installed the buttons.
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    You guys are all soooo amazing! Thanks for all the support. According to my sister we are the exact same size even though my clothes are tight on her. Lol. For the last 7 years she has been the "skinny" one. All 4 of us sisters are big. Im finally the smallest one and my sister doesn't like that. But at least I have all of you! :)
  • Maghenta
    Maghenta Posts: 100
    OH Sweetie, am so proud of you.... Great Job on losing those 6 Dress Sizes.... HOlly Crap! That's MOTIVATION to me.... ::flowerforyou:: I have dealt with annoying familly members too.... Only I wasnt as strong and gave up.... Keep up the good Work and don't pay attention to her....
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    unless this pic is photo-shopped or something, you do look thin. congrats on all that weight. 18-10? WOW! I must be doing something wrong, lol