Blood work

A little perpplexed this morning after a follow up doctor visit. Years ago, I tested at 252 total cholesterol. I was overweight, sedentary and ate what I wanted. I started eating healthier a while back and excercising. I went in two months ago and had blood work done and my cholesterol was 206........YEA! ME!.

At the time tested I had an elevated liver enzyme that concerned the doctor so he wanted me retested in 60 days.....

That brings us to now. I went in two days ago for blood work, confident that my cholesterol would be better because I have eaten right, worked out and lost 25 lbs, but more concerned about the liver enzyme issue.

He tells me, "Good news! Your liver test came back ideal! I am impressed with your weight loss. Your HDL count went up,........but your LDL went up by over 30 points, making your total cholesterol 242"

I am demanding a re-test. I cannot see how this is possible. He isn't too worried about it, saying that my risk ratio has actually dropped due to the HDL increasing and my weight decreasing.



  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    Watch your sodium intake and drink more water.
  • Bamacraft
    Bamacraft Posts: 175 Member
    I went to cardiologist last year. I was at ~240 but my HDL was 96. He said ratio was great and no biggy. I was a tad confused and he said ratio was main concern and a high HDL was great. I was re-tested ~6 months ago but only got a total, not LDL/HDL and was 185. try eating (and google for more) oatmeal, avacodos, peanut butter...lots of other foods which are good for lowering LDL while raising HDL. Avoid processed, low fat (aside from milk) etc.. foods.
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    If you're open to supplements, some plant sterols could help lower it.
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    A little perpplexed this morning after a follow up doctor visit. Years ago, I tested at 252 total cholesterol. I was overweight, sedentary and ate what I wanted. I started eating healthier a while back and excercising. I went in two months ago and had blood work done and my cholesterol was 206........YEA! ME!.

    At the time tested I had an elevated liver enzyme that concerned the doctor so he wanted me retested in 60 days.....

    That brings us to now. I went in two days ago for blood work, confident that my cholesterol would be better because I have eaten right, worked out and lost 25 lbs, but more concerned about the liver enzyme issue.

    He tells me, "Good news! Your liver test came back ideal! I am impressed with your weight loss. Your HDL count went up,........but your LDL went up by over 30 points, making your total cholesterol 242"

    I am demanding a re-test. I cannot see how this is possible. He isn't too worried about it, saying that my risk ratio has actually dropped due to the HDL increasing and my weight decreasing.

    I've worked in medical labs for over 10 years now.

    First thing I would as is did you fast both times the way you should?

    If so, I would check the diet. You can lose weight and still increase your Cholesterol.

    Also, there are people with genetics that will have high cholesterol numbers no matter what they do.
  • Penguinita
    Penguinita Posts: 159 Member
    What comes up in blood test usually has to do with your nutrition for the past week or so. That's what I've found for mine. My last physical I came out with low Vitamin D, low Calcium & low Iron, but that week I kept forgetting to take my vitamins.

    Cholesterol can't be controlled solely by diet and exercise, genetics play a big part. But if the second test showed that much of a drop maybe take another blood test but make sure that week you're eating small amounts of cholesterol.

    I don't have an issue with cholesterol, but that's my 2cents. :)
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    I went to cardiologist last year. I was at ~240 but my HDL was 96. He said ratio was great and no biggy. I was a tad confused and he said ratio was main concern and a high HDL was great. I was re-tested ~6 months ago but only got a total, not LDL/HDL and was 185.

    Cholesterol levels can be effected by a lot of factors and a shorterm change in diet can get you some weird results in just a few months time.
  • sbarrett7171
    sbarrett7171 Posts: 65 Member
    meats, vegetables, fruits and nuts........pretty much .all I eat with the exception of whole wheat tortillas to make wraps, small amounts of cheese and the occasional protein bar for breakfast.

    IHe scheduled a re-test for me next week. He didn't think it was necessary, but it bugged the crap out of me. I've been eating less red meat and more chicken, fish, vegetables, etc. I really watch my sodium intake because it really makes me swell up (lower edema) if I don't (Yes, I 've been checked for heart issues).

    I drink a gallon or better of water a day.
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    meats, vegetables, fruits and nuts........pretty much .all I eat with the exception of whole wheat tortillas to make wraps, small amounts of cheese and the occasional protein bar for breakfast.

    IHe scheduled a re-test for me next week. He didn't think it was necessary, but it bugged the crap out of me. I've been eating less red meat and more chicken, fish, vegetables, etc. I really watch my sodium intake because it really makes me swell up (lower edema) if I don't (Yes, I 've been checked for heart issues).

    I drink a gallon or better of water a day.

    You might be one of the ones blessed with genetics that will always have a high Cholesterol. However, 240's isn't bad really. It's above normal but it might be your normal. I wouldn't worry much unless you see a steady rise in levels. Some people will always be 200+ even on meds.
  • sbarrett7171
    sbarrett7171 Posts: 65 Member
    Looking at all of my numbers:

    Total Cholesterol: 242
    HDL: 55
    LDL: 170

    My risk ratio appears to be 3.08 which from what I am reading is desirable.

    My numbers two months ago were:

    Total Cholesterol: 206
    HDL: 42
    LDL: 142

    Risk Ratio: 3.39

    It appears that my rish ratio is down, even though LDL went up

    I'm beginnning to think this is all crap to start with.....first it was all about total cholesterol, then good/bad cholesterol, now risk ratio's. Now I'm hearing about high density and low density LDL. Seems to me like some folks fishing to make numbers work