Trying once more to shed some pounds

I've tried over, and over, and over again to no avail on other programs, and I'm going to try one more time. My husband is concerned about me wanting to overeat and gaining weight, and I see the light, and I'd like to also BE more light myself, so I'm going to try. Never say never, right?

I'm a vegetarian, used to be vegan. I also gained a lot of weight over the years from medication for schizoaffective and bipolar disorder and from having a baby last year.

My goal is to work out five times a week for an hour each but I haven't been able to do that so far. It's hard to find the time and motivation.

I just have to stick at it.

I have a membership at the YMCA here downtown. I like to use the gym, the weight room and the pool when it's good weather. I'm also doing a 12 weeks to wellness program to train me on the machines. I'm afraid I didn't follow instructions when she gave me the sheet to write down my weights, but hopefully my trainer won't be too frustrated with me. I didn't live up to my goal this time around even though I'm wanting to succeed. I don't know why I always sabatoge myself and go off plan.

I have constant temptations in the form of walking by all the fast food that is by the bus stop at the mall next to where I live. It's convenient to eat out but not good for my body or my budget. I have to cut that out.

I also need to decrease the amount of fat I eat and shift to a plant based, no cheese, high nutrient density diet. Hopefully, by making these steps and by keeping an active lifestyle I will see results and get to my goal weight of 130 lbs. by the time I am 30.


  • armacd
    armacd Posts: 95
    You've found a great network of support in this MFP site! There are so many people here to helpt motivate and support you :). I've lost 20lbs since February, so anything I can do to help, just let me know.

  • TxAngel79
    TxAngel79 Posts: 318 Member
    Believe in yourself!! You can do this!! And you will have plenty of support from MFP's!! The first step is setting goals for every month, then when you reach it, make another goal!! I wish you the best of luck on your journey!!
  • Just keep at it just because you slip up do not beat yourself up over it, just make sure that you do better the next day. One day at a time is what i am doing, i have had issues loosing weight for 3 yrs now and finally this week i lost 4 lbs so i am pumped and want to keep it going. Once you see a result the temptation will become less of a temptation, like this weekend football starts and I love to watch my buffalo bills and have a beer but this time the beer is out for a while because i do not want to stall my progress... good luck