is it harder for someone around 115 lbs to lose more weight?



  • TK421NotAtPost
    TK421NotAtPost Posts: 512 Member
    I've been eating under my calorie count for the last 6 months but i havent lost any weight yet, I was wondering if anyone else is experiencing the same thing?

    If you haven't lost any weight for the past 6 months but you are adhereing to the calorie deficit set by MFP, then you'll need to re-evaluate your daily calorie expenditure. Based on the info available, that's pretty much all I can say. If you provide more details about your workout routine and how much protein you are eating, I'm sure we could provide more info.
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    You do not sound like you need to lose any weight unless you are 4 ft tall maybe.
    Wow how incredibly judgemental. How do you know what this person's reasons are? I am 115 but still have a dangerous amount of stomach fat (yes, really, confirmed by my doctor) and therefore medically am advised to lose more weight. Not everyone is happy with their body just because of a number either, they are smarter than that, and people have different start points. Maybe the OP is 6' tall. Maybe they are 4'something. Maybe they have high body fat %. Maybe their doctor advised them to lose weight. Maybe they have body image issues and want to shed a few vanity pounds within a healthy BMI. 115 is overweight for some people.

    Actually I don't think it's any harder to lose weight at 115. I am still losing at 2lb per week happily without much effort. If your numbers add up and you are not losing, you need a doctor not an internet site. Perhaps you simply have destroyed your metabolism, perhaps you have a medical condition that prevents you from losing weight.
  • sdgrindin
    I weigh less than that, but it took me about 1 month to lose the last 1 pound I lost. I am thinking that I won't reach goal weight for another couple months. The less you weigh the longer it takes to lose the weight.
    Incorporate intermittent fasting (if you haven't already done so) and you will quickly break your plateau.
  • keola64
    keola64 Posts: 207 Member
    Depends where u fall in you BMI range if u are significantly under weight,than u got a question for a licensed nutritionist ,as for the starvation mode thing if u take protein supplements like whey isolate & keep your protein & fiber high with the right amount of good fats,mono&polyunsaturated ,than while in ( starvation mode ) you WILL lose weight,normally people don't understand that when starved your body consumes fat and muscle to survive,however using something like whey isolate protein give you the advantage of your body burning off fat and still repairing muscle so all u lose I fat ,the hardest thing is to be able to push your self during exercise with a lot of will power because you won't have much energy but if you do your body has no choice to burn of your fat faster than in normally would without the side effects of muscle loss so yes you can lose weight but you only want to lose fat not muscle& if your body fat % is very low than you must have good muscle tone & muscle density is heavier.well if your really concernedtalk to your doc. I know what I've stated to be true for its the approach I decided to take I am now fit and maintaining! It's not a method to depend on for along time but I lost 100 pounds in 9 months,74 since using myfitnesspal,good luck and look at my before & after pics to see for your self. ALOHA-Keola
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    I weigh less than that, but it took me about 1 month to lose the last 1 pound I lost. I am thinking that I won't reach goal weight for another couple months. The less you weigh the longer it takes to lose the weight.
    Incorporate intermittent fasting (if you haven't already done so) and you will quickly break your plateau.

    ^^ This. Also incorporate Carb Cycling WITH your intermittent fasting. You'll drop that weight.
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    I will give serious help and advice if you add me and let me know your height and open your diary.

    To those who are upset that someone 115 lbs wants to lose weight...keep in mind that not all bodies are the same. I have friends on here that are STRONG, fit, and healthy at 100 lbs. Height matters.
    My happy weight is under 110.

    (Dizzyferg is one of those strong, fit, tiny people. Love ya Dizz, you rock!

    :smooched: :D Thanks Robin! Your pretty awesome yourself! :wink:
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    The answer is NOPE, not hard at all.
    * You need to set to the right calories, which will give you less lose a week, which mean you might want to up your calories depends on how hard you workout. That could mean you might need to eat more.
    * Make sure you eat your exercises calories back (if you are using MFP tool to adjust your net)
    * Eat healthy - whole food (fresh vegi, fruits, whole grain, meats, fish, etc). Lot less process food
    * Exercises smart - 2 to 3 times strength training (lift heavy), add cardio workout that you like to do (whatever make you happy and want to keep doing it)

    Cannot see much on your page, so that's as general as I can try to help with.
    I'd give you this very same advice. And I'd like to add in a very good set of calculators. I keep re-evaluating. I'm only losing about a pound a month at this point. I'm 49 yrs old, I've been exercising and switching up the exercise. I'm at a very good body fat %, but if you go by straight BMI I look on the heavier side of normal, although body fat wise i'm very close to my lower body fat for healthy. I'm dense and muscular at 5'2". I've been 115 before and bony. 128-130 is my happy skinny place. Exercise has been the way I've lost the most inches. I have eaten all my exercise calories (I have a heart rate monitor to estimate calories burned). Raising my activity level at this point does not give me more calories, so I recently raised my calories by going for a 1/2 pound a week goal. No difference, no gain or loss, but I was toning heavily at the time and lost inches. It's vanity weight for me at this point. It's possible thats what you have going. The quality of the food makes a big difference, not just the lower calories. I choose to exercise and tone to get a better metabolism and be able to eat more food. 1200 calories is really not enough for me. I do a lot. I need more food. I'm wearing small to extra small clothes, now. Thats my daughter in the picture, and she's 10 1/2 yrs old. Most of her friends and shortly she will be taller than me this year wearing larger clothes than me.