Rowing machine for cardio?

Three days ago I suffered a bad sprain with an avulsion fracture to my right ankle. I'm wearing a boot/brace and will be for at least 4 weeks. I'm SO BUMMED! This happened almost a month into P90X and I have immediately had to modify my entire workout routine. We have an old rowing machine in the garage that I have just started using, and I am still able to work out my arms, shoulders, abs, chest and back, but no legs. I'm really struggling with the rowing machine to try to get the same level of intensity in my cardio workouts that I was able to do before with the plyometrics, kenpo and jogging. Unfortunately a gym membership is out of the question for now. I do not have access to a stationary bike or an elliptical trainer, so I'm stuck with the rowing machine for now.

I know I'm going to have to allow my ankle to heal and that it may be weeks if not months before I'm back to where I was before, but I really want to keep going as strong as possible. Any advice on how to get the most out of the rowing machine???


  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Oh no!! Well, good news is that the rowing machine can be FANTASTIC cardio. We have one at my work and although its older, it's awesome. With the rowing machine, it's more about length of time than the intensity. The longer you do it for, the more intense it feels. I try to do it between 15-20min when I do it.