Exercise plan

Three years ago I was an avid gym go-er and was down 50lbs.... I don't know what the heck happened in between now and then (of course I know how I gained the weight) but I(feel like have forgotten everything to do.

So.. what is a good workout routine..

Currently I go 4x's a week

Day 1: 45mins cardio (arc trainder, elliptical, or a mix of the climber and stair stepper) and abs
Day 2: 25min cardio and abs, back, biceps, triceps, chest stregth
Day 3: Cardio and abs
Day 4: 25min cardio and leg exercises (squats, inner & outter thighs)

Is there a better way? Any advice would be greatly appreciated! :)


  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I don't think your plan sounds bad at all. Perhaps a different type of cardio - kickboxing or jumping rope or something different. Your body wants to exert the least amount of energy possible to do a job. If you keep doing the same job, your body does it as efficiently as possible and kinda of just gets used to the routine. I like the idea of muscle confusion. I've seen some crazy exercises that you could do at home or during lunch for 20 minutes to keep your metabolism pumped. I also vary the times of day I do different workouts. Another thing I noticed is that you have more abs listed than back listed. Your back really needs just as much attention as your abs do. Your improved posture will help pull you in more and will help you with other exercises - i.e. shoulders, squats, etc. Backs are very important and I think often overlooked. Why only the gym 4 times a week? What happens the other 3 days a week? Do you/could you exercise at home? It wouldnt have to be intense.... maybe just an extra 20 mins in the morning on those 3 days. That might make a difference. When plateued, push a little bit harder, do a little bit more. You have to make your body W-O-R-K! Hope this helps! :)
  • The one thing I do remember is a personal trainer told me that abs are the fastest healing muscles so you can do them everyday. I will definately incorporate what you said. I have always overlooked the back. The other 3 days I don't do much to be honest. I work FT and have a PT job that I go to once a week. So the other 2 days I am relaxing. I can sacrafice 20mins on those days to exercise though.

    I am really freaking out because I start back at school on the 22nd and am going to be going Monday-Thurs. I need to set up a good schedule.

    Thank you again for your help!