the program mfp help!

so everything i eat isnt always on here but i will put down something closest to it as possible . ive been on here for 3 days. my first day i went over on everything. but my second day and today im under my calories by 2 to 3 hundred and yesterday my protien was tomuch and im not sure if thats a good thing or bad thing. im full and not trying to cheat the program or eat less but im just not sure what the dealeo is

my days have mostly been garden salads for ever meal and a piece of bread and turkey with the salads. feels up the whole plate.. ive been concidering doing the old weight watchers program but i want to give this website a chance.. even if its slow pace, im not trying to find a quick fix anymore. just want something that willl work. lossing 1 pound a week is 10 times better than none

any advice????


  • bree2012
    bree2012 Posts: 179
    I think you are on the right track. The weekly total is more important than the daily total.

    And I don't think you have to be too specific about matching how much protein and carbs you are supposed to consume per day. As long as it is close, you should be fine!

    Good luck on your weight loss!