Looking to stay motivated

BekJ Posts: 53 Member
Hi there...
I've just discovered this wonderful site!!!

A bit about me....

I'm a 35 year old mother of one very rambunctious 2 and a half year old, who in January 2010 reached an epiphany when looking at the photos from my son's 1st Birthday... I knew I was big, but didn't realise how big, big was!!!!
I lost 40 kilos in 2010 and have managed to keep it off (well most of it anyway) for 9 months....
But I'm now finding I'm starting to creep back into some bad food habits.
The carb binges are the worst!!! I'm really paranoid of putting it all back on and undoing all my hard work.
Exercise is definately not an issue with me... I'm self professed gym junkie (I'm there every day (for no less than 90 minutes at a time)) (Yep!!! That's me in my profile pic!! I keep it on my fridge for motivation) and I'm (now) also an avid runner...

If anyone needs any support in their weight loss journey I'm here to give you that support, bounce ideas off and also share my journey (highs and lows). I'm happy to provide and offer advise (what I've learned through my experiences) of what worked for me...

And I would love to have some support back in helping me to stave off those lapses in food judgement (I tend to switch on my auto pilot and just eat mindlessly, amd I'm not even hungry!!!)

I look forward to making some great friends and building an encouraging support network as we all journey through this challenge of developing and maintaining a healthy life together!!!


  • audram420
    audram420 Posts: 838 Member
    32 year old with a 2 1/2 year old looking to lose about 30lbs...friend me!
  • Jamazurunner

    I would love to have a buddy like you support me during this journey! You sound just as crazy as me- I'm a big workout buff too and sometimes have issues with over eating in the carb department. Please feel free to add me, I think we will make one dynamic duo!

  • AI1108
    AI1108 Posts: 488 Member
    Welcome! You'll love it here! You can add me if you'd like support / motivation / etc.
  • BekJ
    BekJ Posts: 53 Member
    I think we definately would!!!
    People tell em I'm a hard core workout junkie, But I tell them I have to be... Walking on the Treadmill at a gentle stroll ain't gonna cut it!!! You've gotta just get out there and give it all you've got!!!!

  • frenchprairiegirl
    frenchprairiegirl Posts: 173 Member
    Friend request sent! :)