Clean Eating



  • Air pop your popcorn! Best tasting! I eat relatively clean as we have food allergies in this house and need to be very careful. I do not, however, deny myself a treat because with my diabetes if I do then I crave it more and will stray. A piece of dark chocolate or a low carb ice cream snack works for me (also homemade sugar free cake for my birthday!) I shop the perimeter as well. I teach my kids this also. I have them help me get the fresh fruits and veggies, the meat, the dairy, etcetera. Of course I do let them choose other things for them, but healthy. My sons always ask why he is so thin and muscular at 13 (no fat). Not only is it genetics, but when you cannot eat anything processed it makes a difference! Enjoy your shopping!
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Don't forget, you can have pretty much anything you want, just in moderation. There are no foods that are purely bad for you. Even if it seems like empty calories, if you really want it as a treat, and it keeps your motivation going, have some of it. Just be sure you know the calorie count, and account of it in your daily budget.

    Eating food should be enjoyable, and not seem like a chore. The only time I'd say that clean eating is a must is when you dont have much more fat to lose, and are really trying for that "perfect" body.