Anybody diabetic/insulin intolerant and tring to lose weight

Melanders5 Posts: 2
edited October 1 in Introduce Yourself
I am new to this and trying to find some friends who are in the same boat I am. A lot of the meds I am on as a diabetic make it hard to lose weight and wonder if anybody has found something that works for you?


  • wcasie
    wcasie Posts: 299 Member
    I am diabetic as well and I got to the point where the pills didn't work for me. iI had to start insulin. Diabetics have it rough because the carbs is what makes our sugar go up. I would suggest a low carb, high protein, and low fat diet. it is hard to do. Lots of water and exercise are important. Have you talked to your dr about what he/she recommends?
  • ESVABelle
    ESVABelle Posts: 1,264 Member
    Type 1 diabetic, insulin resistant
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    type I
  • I have family members that are diabetic and we found something that works very well for low glycemic index and losing weight. Your welcome to friend request me and ask me about it. It's a lot tougher for sure for those having to deal with both.

    Have a fit-tabulous day, Colleen ;0)
  • I was exactly in the same boat (diabetic Type II) shooting one pen of insulin a day (max allowed). I could not go any higher in addition to Glucophage, Amaril and others that I cannot remember. What worked for me? Gastric bypass. My only regret is that I did not do it earlier because of a doctor that did not agree on philosophical reasons. Do the research and decide on your OWN if it is an option for YOU. BTW even before I lost any major weight, a week after surgery, I started to decrease all medications; after 3 months I was off everything. Two and Half years later, I am still in remission (not cured) and happy to get my life back!
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