Water weight/fat loss

Hi all!
Yesterday, I weighed in at 122.6lbs. I ate 1250cals and netted 1050 after exercise (was sedentary the rest of the day! I usually eat more). I drank around 1.5 litres of water.
Today I weighed in at 121.6lbs. I'm aware of the whole "water weight" idea, which I'm sure this is... I definitely didn't burn 3,500 cals in order to lose a pound of fat!
My question really is how would I be able to lose fat (I.e. Change my body measurements) rather than lose water weight (I.e. Seeing these kinds of changes on the scale)? Do I need to lose water weight before I begin to lose fat?
Perhaps my intake is too low? I usually exercise for about 40 sweaty minutes, do you think I'm not eating enough for me to be able to lose fat rather than just water?
Sorry, so many questions, just want to do what is most worthwhile, and take the healthiest route!!!


  • gidgeclev
    gidgeclev Posts: 103 Member
    Don't weigh every day - your weight can change by a couple of pounds either way depending on various factors, it's far too soon to worry about it. It might all go back on tomorrow.
    Just stick to a healthy diet of the recommended calorie intake and the fat will come off. You always lose water first which is why people often have a dramatic weight loss in the first week of a diet.
  • Amo_Angelus
    Amo_Angelus Posts: 604 Member
    Water weight will always how first. That's normal. That changes every day so shedding it is easy. Your body will burn fat in it's own time, depending on your motabolism, diet, excercise and so many other things.
  • twheelhouse
    twheelhouse Posts: 13 Member
    Hi there

    Two things - firstly your body will always get rid of water weight before it gets rid of fat, but water is a vitally important part of weightloss. Just because you drank 1.5 litres doesn't mean you need to burn off 1.5 litres; your body uses water!

    You should eat a bit more if you are exercising. My body needs 1200 cals just to keep it working on a daily basis, so if I burn say 200 cals doing exercise technically I need to be eating more. I never eat all of my burned exercise calories, but you can definitely afford to eat more if you are burning 3500 cals!!

    Hope that helps