Ah! Help! Fluid Retention and Weigh In tomorrow.

I had a WW smoothie made with milk and banana for breakfast. I think the banana should help. I could blame my friends and family but it is my own fault.

1. Saturday. I had sushi with a friend and her family for her birthday and ate her hibachi veggies to boot as she didn't want them. Sodium in both. I didn't eat any rice or hibachi meat, though.

2. More diet coke than I should this week (2 cans/day). I know it is low sodium but the phosphates make me retain.

3. I had sushi with my brother and sil last night. Hadn't seen them in a little while and bro wanted to eat it but it put me just over 3000 in sodium for the day.

4. Wednesday. Wed. was all me. I had a chargrilled chicken sandwich from Chick Fil-a for lunch. Not bad except for sodium. Over 1000 mgs.

This is what I get for going off the veggie wagon this week! What can I do except the bananas and lots of water to get the fluid out? I have some canned asparagus. I could get watermelon. Other ideas?


  • tilda_g
    tilda_g Posts: 19
    This site has quite a lot of advice for both long and short term solutions :)

    Hope it helps

  • Hi, I spell my daughters name the same way, anyway I find the green tea pills at walmart for 4 or gel for 10 dollars help me flush the water out and helps me dri.k my daily water cause I hate water and really need to be thirsty to drink it...
  • amarie35
    amarie35 Posts: 333 Member
    I would stay away from any and all processed & canned foods. If you like cereal, shredded wheat has NO sodium. Also, grits, oatmeal, & rice are all have little to NO sodium. Dried and fresh fruits are low in sodium. But no matter what, I'd drink nothing but water all day and even maybe for the next few days. If you don't like water, try adding MiO to it. It adds flavor & that's it. No added calories, fat, sodium, NOTHING. I personally love water but I still get tired of it from time to time. Adding MiO makes drinking water EASY!

    Hope this helps. Good luck! =)
  • trainguy917
    trainguy917 Posts: 366 Member
    Add potassium to your diet. Put lemon in your water and look for high potassium foods. Blueberries, I believe have a good bit. Potassium deficiencies are more important than sodium intake. Studies are showing that as long as you have enough potassium in your diet, sodium intake is not nearly as critical as people have been led to believe.
  • Thanks, guys! I had forgotten that lemon juice in warm water and apple cider vinegar can help. I certainly won't be drinking any diet coke today. I do Crystal Light to help get in more water but that has sodium. Mio and green tea tabs, here I come.

    I'll have to see if I can pick up those green tea tablets and Mio.

    Potassium. Yep. Hence the banana and the thought that the asparagus would help but it is canned.
  • I think I know what I'm having for dinner. A salad with beans on it and nothing but olive oil and lemon juice for the dressing (dressings can be so high sodium). Watermelon for desert! Will drink lots of water with the green tea tabs or Mio.