How bad of an idea is this? No exercise..



  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I think the answer is yes, but it'll take longer. I am not a "natural" exerciser, although I think if I can just do a little here and there it's good for not only weight issues but heart and general health/fitness. So today I took up the Friday challenge of 15 minutes of steps, it wasn't too bad, a bit boring (if I do it again I either need to do it in front of the TV or put my iPod on) but it got my heart rate up and I burned 200 or so calories - can't be bad. Also I love swimming though I only get to the pool infrequently. Good luck with your weightloss and do let me know how you get on :O)

    i ALWAYS step in front of the telly, usually watching a repeat of dawsons creek or ER!!!
  • ljbhill
    ljbhill Posts: 276 Member
    Yes, you will lose weight without exercising if you stick to your calorie allowance as that has been set to the minimum calories your body burns to function. However, exercise is vital along with diet for good health. A 30 minute walk around the block with a dog or friend is considered exercise too =)
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    I am not huge on exercise to be honest - over the years I have tried everything (spinning, swimming, classes, gym) and I just do not get into it. It just never fits into my lifestyle !!

    I lead a very busy life, I commute 2 hours a day and am usually so zonked when I get home all I can do is make something quick [and healthy] for dinner, have a bath and do a few chores!! I do try to make a little time to actually unwind, maybe an hour before bed and I certainly am not exercising then.... My weekends are very precious to me as that is the only time I really catch up with my family and friends - I have 3 very young nephews that I try to see at least once a week!

    I know it just reads like excuse after excuse but that is how things are for me!

    I am almost at goal weight but I am certainly not toned or athletic looking. In fact if anything I am still a bit flabby. I weigh 112lbs so it seems insane that I am still flabby?? It's because I have done this through 90% diet!!

    Don't get me wrong I look and feel much better than I did in Feb 2011 BUT I am living proof that diet alone may not give the best results.

    My commuting situation is due to change soon and I have made a vow to myself that I will get serious about the exercising then - it seems such a shame to have lost weight and not tone up LOL

    I just want to clarify and say that I do burn in the region of 100-300 calories per day (usually in the 100, 200 region - less often in the 300 region) by walking and I do the occasional cardio work out when I have the time and energy! 1200 calories isn't enough so I earn extra by walking to and from station and taking a brisk walk at lunchtime!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    While I understand that it's definitely possible to lose weight without exercise, you need to remember that moderate exercise has value outside of weight loss. It's important for your heart, bones, etc. - espeically as we age. So I certainly wouldn't think it would be wise to have NO exercise...

    I agree. Exercise is so beneficial to your health! Even if it's just taking a walk everyday! And I would much rather exercise and earn those calories then have to deny myself calories (I love food!!!) to loose or maintain my weight.
  • Scoobies87
    Scoobies87 Posts: 379
    Yes! I have done it before both with and without exercising. I found that when I did it with exercise I put it on a lot slower, whereas without exercise I put it on very quickly.