BIG question!

So i found out yesterday that my thryoid came back high at 7.44 and that my thyroid is UNDER active "hypo" and just a couple months ago it was 0. something and normal ive NEVER had a problem with it....this didnt start until i started using "Herbalife Cell U Loss" which has "Kelp" in it and ive read that kelp stimulates the thyroid because it boost the matabalisom and that it can cause hype hypo or even thyroid cancer.....has anyone else experienced thyroid issues while using a dietary supplement?


  • mindy14456
    mindy14456 Posts: 552 Member
    I was actually borderline thyroid issue, so I have been using kelp for about the last 2 months, and have actually noticed an increase in energy.
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    I think I am having a problem following what you're saying in your thread. Are you trying to say Kelp is bad or the supplement? Kelp, in general, is usually a good thing, so I'm slightly confused. However, I'm not a huge fan of any dietary supplement unless I can read and understand what every ingredient is. Even then, I'm not 100% sold...
  • Nichole90
    Nichole90 Posts: 118
    Kelp can help people with hypo thyroid issues but i never had a thyroid problem so kelp can also cause "hypo" and "hyper" what we think that happend is that it caused hyper for me and it got so stimulated that it just stopped working and went into "hypo"
  • Nichole90
    Nichole90 Posts: 118
    Kelp can help people with hypo thyroid issues but i never had a thyroid problem so kelp can also cause "hypo" and "hyper" what we think that happend is that it caused hyper for me and it got so stimulated that it just stopped working and went into "hypo"
  • Nichole90
    Nichole90 Posts: 118
    I was actually borderline thyroid issue, so I have been using kelp for about the last 2 months, and have actually noticed an increase in energy.
    how much kelp are you taking...i was taking 99mg a day and if you over take it like it says i was then it can cause hyper thyroid and hypo thyroid and even thyroid cancer......