Loss of a child



  • LucieBear
    LucieBear Posts: 117 Member
    During this hard time.. people would say life will get back to normal, time will heal... I do believe that for one exception.. eventhoug we do get back to our lives - the hole in our heart and in our life remains. My parents lost 3 children in a fire in 1964, (I was born in 1965), till this day my parents say there is always something missing, now with the lost of my godson-nephew, I completely understand what they mean..
  • aschirmer3692
    aschirmer3692 Posts: 11 Member
    koylefam wrote: »
    At my 5 month ultrasound we learned our baby had what is called Trisomy 18. She carried to term and this past March survived delivery giving our family a miraculous 20 minutes of life..... I feel strongly that you chooose how to ddeal with life. and while yes I crry sometimes... I am going to devote my life to being the type of mother she would need me to be if she is here.......

    I am sorry for your loss. My daughter also has trisomy 18. I am very very fortunate she will be 7 years old this year.She does have MAJOR medical issues however. I'm here if you need a friend. Thinking of you and your angel. hugs♡