Starting Over (Again)

JuJuMac Posts: 1
edited October 1 in Introduce Yourself
Hello Everyone! I've been using the calorie tracker on here for several weeks now, but haven't posted anything. I did WW a couple of years ago and lost 50lbs, but then I started dating someone and I slowly started to put it back on. I've gained back just about 20lbs and I can't seem to get into the same mind set. It also doesn't help that my boyfriend (who lives with me) can eat anything and everything and not gain a pound.
So I'm posting to say hey and hopefully get the support that I feel like I'm missing from him. I tend to do really well with watching what I eat for a couple of weeks and then fall right back into the old ways. (Gaining a few extra pounds in the process.) I'd love to hear any advice or support to help get back on track and stick with it.


  • Hey :) hope you ok :)

    I have same problem, because my bf can eat as much as he want and nothing is going into his body (so jelous) :D plus I lost weight, and now am getting that weight back, just because I can't stop myself opening fridge doors and taking food. I am so fed up of feeling that I can't lose weight, I would like to have stomack surgery but am not basically fat enough. am 13 stones and I wish to be 10-11 stones, it is sad because I feel that I look disgusting. I tried to find some motivation to lose that weight, but nothing helping, even knowing that am getting married next summer.
    hun I know that is difficult to see him eating everything any time, but if you really feel that bad, try to leave room, or tell him to leave room. Speak with him and ask his help while you are trying to lose weight. Don't go into sweets area in the shop. Try eat more greens :) I will try to do the same, thats god my bf is really good listener and he said he will help me because he understands me :)

    keep on track sweetie :) I know that you and I can lose that bloody weight and feel happy :))
  • Hi, I have no idea how many times I have "started all over again" but the important thing in here is that you want to do it. One thing I have learned from the past is that I have to do it for myself and not to look back. Believe me I have all sizes of clothing from size 4 all the way to size 12 wich is the one hanging on my closet right now. You can do this, I have being divorce now for 2 years and my ex-busband remarry just 4 month after our divorce. We were married for 23 years and have 2 kids, one is going to college this year. a lot of negative things can happen in our lives but we can't let that stop us to reach our goals and to look our best. The other woman is 14 years younger than me and my husband used to say that he doesn't like "fat woman", for a while I used that as permission to eat whatever I wanted but now I want my life back and I am going to get it. My faith in God that took all the hurt away, my childrens, family and friends is all I need. Soooo, put on your tennis shoes go for a walk, put down the fork after you know you had enough to feed your body, forget the past because TODAY is all it counts. Go For It!!!
  • Hey
    Welcome to the site, I've been dieting on and off for years. I lost weight before spinal surgery in 2009 but have since gained weight due to not being able to exercise. I've now got the all clear and I'm raring to go.
    This site is fabulous, not only for support but also for tracking diet and exercise.
    Feel free to add me, I'm from London, UK.
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