Hello from Eire

THCamel Posts: 54 Member
Hi there

I've been trying to lose weight forever, with limited to success until recently but things just had to change. Before my life passed me by!

I've been low carbing now since May and every week things get a little better.

I know this is a journey, not a destination and I'd love for support to keep going in the right direction :)

Good Luck :)



  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    Welcome and best of luck to you!
  • Hi
    Greetings from Ireland. I had spinal surgery in 2009 and have gained over a stone, I've now joined a gym and I've been using this site for just over week and lost 3lbs. Its great and the support is amazing.
    Feel free to add me
  • brianblinn
    brianblinn Posts: 70 Member
    Bealtaine an luck na hÉireann tú a choinneáil ar an gcosán! We're all on the path with you. :)
  • kevinlynch3
    kevinlynch3 Posts: 287 Member
    Whereabouts in Ireland are ya located? Irish in the states myself. Love this site. I've only been on here a week and I'm addicted. Its almost as bad as facebook but in this case its a good thing :o)

    Feel free to add me

  • jdhosier
    jdhosier Posts: 315 Member
    Feel free to add me. I have been struggling with losing and gaining weight for years. I am finally getting serious about it and this is a great tool to help.
  • THCamel
    THCamel Posts: 54 Member
    Thank you everyone :)

    Good Luck to you Brian!

    I'm in the midlands, Offaly ...the back end of nowhere really!! :wink:

    All the best and thanks for the welcomes! :happy:

    Céad míle fáilte romhaibh :smile: